Phangan beaches - top 11 best places on the island map

Phangan Island has more than three dozen beaches, but you can swim only in 15 of them. That is why the beaches of Phangan should be chosen carefully. We selected the best places to stay on the island and made a detailed description. Of course, the term "best" in this matter is inappropriate, because everyone has their own preferences and individual ideas about which beach can be called good and which is not. Draw your own conclusions. Be sure to bring along a map of Phangan with beaches.

The best beaches of Phangan

Given that the preferences of all tourists are different, we do not highlight the category of the best places, but simply indicate the features of each of them, advantages and disadvantages. We tried to describe the island of Phangan as impartially as possible from the point of view of a beach holiday.

Ao Tong Nai Pan Noi

The beach with a length of 600 m is located in a cozy bay, which is protected by cliffs. The place is quite remote, the road to the shore is difficult, so Ao Tong Nai Pan Noi is considered as a residence throughout the trip or for a one-time visit. The coastline is wide, clean, well-groomed, 15 m wide, at the peak of low tide it increases to 35 m. The sand is large, soft, with a pleasant yellow color.

The infrastructure is traditional for many small Thai beaches. Hotel-lounges include bars, a massage parlor, a minimarket, pharmacies, and local shops. There is everything you need for water sports.

Nature allows us to call this part of the island a paradise - snow-white, fine sand, exotic vegetation right on the shore, among which there are sun loungers. The waves are infrequent and small, and the descent into the water, although steep, is gentle enough and comfortable.

If you are coming from another part of the island, it is best to take a taxi. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting lost. It will take a long time to get to the barrier of the Panviman Hotel, then you need to turn left and get to the parking lot, where you can leave transport and calmly swim on the beach.

Ao Tong Nai Pan Yai

The length of the coast is about 800 m, it is a spacious strip covered with grayish-yellow sand, which whitens as it dries. At high tide, the shore narrows to 20 m, and at low tide it increases to 50 m. Unlike his twin brother Tong Nai Pan Noah, this beach is deeper, it is better to swim, it has its own infrastructure. Two tourist places are located within walking distance, but are separated by a hill, for this reason the road between them is tiring. The coastline is wide, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom is sandy. There are many hotels of authentic design on the shore.

The descent into the water is shallow, the bottom is clean, there are practically no waves. There are large boulders in the middle of the bay, and the sea fades to the edges of the beach. The left side of the beach is sandy, and the right side is more rocky. The depth of the sea at a distance of 15 m from the coast is 1 m.

Sun loungers can be used if you buy a cocktail at the hotel. There are no time limits. In addition to hotels on the shore there are offices with equipment, mini-markets. The area adjacent to the sea is replete with various services for tourists, it is calm and quiet. Nearby, namely on the right, there is an observation deck and a bar.

The road to the beach leads from Tong Sal along the south coast, near the convenience store you need to turn left and follow the signs.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

Haad Salad

In many ways, Haad Salad is in the middle ground - in terms of civilization, infrastructure, remoteness from central regions and external characteristics. Visually, the beach resembles the letter "P".

Located at the entrance to Mae Haadu Beach, namely in the northwest of Phangan Island. The coastline is about 500 m long. The infrastructure is represented only by the benefits of hotels, restaurants at hotels and a small number of private cafes. As for the natural characteristics, they are standard for Phangan - shallow water, light sand, several palm trees. The best water entry on the right. The coastline is narrow because the embankment is reinforced with cement and stones. At the peak of the tide, water approaches the grass itself, the sand is completely covered with water.

The beach is located at the end of the bypass road, which runs from the Tong Sala pier along the coast. The entrance to the water is quite sharp - already three meters deep along the neck, and at low tide you will have to go a minimum of 10 m, so that the water level reaches the shoulders. Waves on the beach happen, but only during strong winds and during the monsoon.

The most affordable way to get to Phangan Beach is to take the road to the intersection, turn left and go all the way to the Salad Beach Resort, where there is free parking. Here you can leave transport and go directly through the hotel to the shore.

Haad Yuan

Laconic, miniature, deserted beach, covered with rocks, and located in a bay hidden by two rocky capes. By the way, bungalows and cafes were built in these rocks, and along the coast there are many bridges. The length of the coast is about 300 meters, the width of the coastline is from 10 to 60 meters. At the foot of the cape there is a small river with a rather unpleasant odor. The descent into the sea is gentle, uniform, shallow water is maintained at a distance of 80 meters from the coast. At peak tide, no more than 10 meters remain from the coast.

Interesting fact! The beach offers an exclusively secluded relaxation format, and as a bonus, techno parties.

A distinctive feature of this part of the island is the lack of civilization, large buildings and beautiful sunrises. The best way to get to the beach is to hire a taxi boat.

As for infrastructure - there are many sun loungers on the beach, they belong to hotels and private cafes. There are no entertainments for tourists. After two in the afternoon, the beach is completely shaded.

Getting to the beach by land is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous; the best way is to rent a boat on Haad Rin.

Tan Sadet

Even in low season, the beach is quite crowded. The explanation is simple - even at the peak of low tide, depth is maintained and you can swim. It is better to get by car, taxi or motobike. On the shore there are several hotels, free parking, shower, toilet.

The beach is located in the east of the island, adjacent to Tong Nai Pan. In addition to the depth, Tan Sadet is notable for its observation deck and waterfall.

The coastline is only 150 meters long, but its insignificant length is compensated by its large width. Not far from the sea there is a palm grove. There are several cafes on the beach, sightseeing boats moor here. A river flows into the sea on the right side, and it’s better to choose the left side for relaxation, bungalows are built here, the restaurant has an observation deck. For the convenience of tourists there are free showers and toilets. There are no shops and mini-markets on the beach, you can eat only in the hotel restaurant.

Good to know! Tan Sadet - a unique beach for the island - already three meters from the shore, a depth with a human height that remains even at low tide, so you can swim here at any time.

The mountain river gives the sea water a slight turbidity. Another distinctive feature is coarse sand, more reminiscent of pebbles. As for the waterfall, it is rather a mountain stream.

It is better to get by car or motorbike, you can also take a taxi.

Haad Yao

Russian speech is often heard here, so if you want a break from your compatriots, this is not the best choice. In general, the beach is long, the coastline is smooth, clean and well-groomed. It offers a large number of services for tourists. The depth of the sea is traditionally insignificant.

Good to know! When choosing a place to relax and where to swim on the beach, pay attention to the blue pipes that lead from residential buildings to the sea. It is advisable to stay away by choosing a place upstream.

The sand on the shore is white and soft. The descent into the water is quite gentle, even, at a distance of five meters from the shore, a depth along the chest and you can comfortably swim. The shadow on the beach is until 12-00. There are no sunbeds here, you can comfortably stay in one of the cafes. The infrastructure is represented by hotel services, in addition, there is a mini market.

You can go to the shore through the territory of hotels or use the landmark - bikes parked on the road.

Ao chaloklum bay

Chaloklam Beach is a small local village where fishermen live. Do you think it is dirty and has a characteristic smell? Nothing like this. At Koh Phangan, the fishing villages are clean and well maintained. There is a water taxi on the shore, which is ready to be taken to any beach on the island. Another distinctive feature of the beach is the deep sea, which remains so even at low tide. Relaxing and swimming here is always convenient.

Good to know! The beach is on the list of the longest on the island. In the center of the beach there is a pier and boats are moored, on the left Chaloklum beach goes to Malibu beach. On the right side of the beach you can’t swim at low tide since the rocky bottom is exposed.

There are no deck chairs on the beach, there are few hotels and they are modest. In general, the place is very comfortable - clean water, soft sand, there are few boats. The obvious advantage is cafes, convenience stores and fruit shops.


This is the most famous and visited beach on Koh Phangan. In fact, this is part of Chaloklum, namely its northern part. It's easy to get here - there is a direct road from Tong Sala. The trip takes only 20 minutes. Given the popularity of the beach, it is crowded. Malibu is different from other beaches on the island - the coastline is more like a garden covered with white sand and washed by water of amazing color.

Good to know! It makes no sense to go further to Malibu - there is a lot of garbage and gear there, it’s impossible to swim.

Malibu beach on Phangan is shallow, it is difficult to reach the depths at low tide, but it is convenient to swim at high tide on the beach. The only thing that can overshadow the rest, however, like on other beaches of Phangan Island, is sand flies. The width of the coastline is from 5 to 10 meters, and on the left side there is a “nickle” measuring 50 by 50 meters, covered with snow-white sand.

There are a lot of well-groomed, trimmed vegetation on the shore. In the afternoon, the amount of shadow increases. There are no sunbeds on the beach, tourists relax on towels. Within a radius of a hundred meters there are bars owned by hotels, and closer to the road there are ATMs, shops, guest houses, restaurants, pharmacies and massage parlors. Here you can rent equipment for water sports, purchase souvenirs and visit the attraction - the white temple.

To get to Phangan beach is better on the main, asphalt road from Tong Sala. Follow to the convenience store, then turn left and then follow the signboard.

Mae Haad

Many tourists call the beach a fairy tale. This is the most visited place, travelers choose Mae Haad for one amazing feature - at low tide a sand spit appears from the sea between the beach and the island.

Despite the attendance and popularity, the beach infrastructure cannot be called developed. There are no entertainment facilities. Only a few hotels, cafes and several shops. Near the beach there is a waterfall and a natural park.

The width of the coastline is highly dependent on the ebbs and flows, ranging from 5 to 25 meters. The beach is especially beautiful at low tide. There are practically no waves. This is a great place for families. Descent into the sea is gentle, to plunge into the sea with your head, you need to walk about 20 meters to the tide. Shade on the beach is created by trees. On the shore there are two parking lots - one asphalt and the other sandy.

You can go to the shore through the hotel, namely through a cafe on its territory. If you do not get to the hotel, but turn right, you can go directly to the spit.

Haad Son

This place is also known as Secret Beach. Previously, the beach was really a secret place and for tourists, discoverers it became an outlet. Today, many travelers know about Haad Son. The bay where the beach is located is hidden by the jungle. The beach is small, built up bungalow.

Good to know! Near the beach there is a popular place - restaurant Koh Raham. People come here to swim, jump from the rocks into the sea and go snorkeling.

Of the entire hundred-meter-long coastline, you can swim only in half of this territory. The right side is limited by cliffs; a hotel is built on top. Large boulders are found on the left side on the sandy shore, between which you can easily retire.

In the high season there are quite a lot of tourists, families with children are resting on the right side, there is a more gentle entrance to the sea and it is shallow. There are no sunbeds on the shore, vacationers come with towels, enough shade, it persists until three in the afternoon. If the shady area was not enough, you can hide in a cafe or in a massage room. The infrastructure is practically absent.

Landmark - hotel and restaurant with the same name - Haad Son, you must go down and follow the parking lot of motorbikes. You can also drive to the hotel and leave transport in the hotel parking lot.
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Zen Beach Nudist Beach

A place where you can, without hesitation, remove your swimsuit and relax on the beach. Even at low tide, depth is preserved here. The bottom is not too good, but 30 meters from the shore there is a swimming area. It is most conveniently located on the left side of the beach.

Good to know! A nudist beach in Phangan and Thailand is a rarity, so finding a place for naturalists here is more likely an exception. The fact is that on the island, the local population does not comply with Thai laws.

From Sritanu to Zen Beach can be reached in just five minutes, the path passes through a bungalow complex. Although the place is wild, you can swim here - the water is clean, there is practically no debris on the shore. The seabed is rocky, so bring your shoes with you. If you overcome a rocky area, you can go to a flat, sandy zone. In general, the beach is calm and secluded.

As you can see, the beaches of Phangan are diverse, they differ in appearance and characteristics. Given the size of the island, you can easily visit all the best places and choose a beach for you.

Watch the video: top 10 most popular places on Koh Phangan Fullmoon party island (October 2024).

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