How to learn to dance hip-hop - tips for girls and guys

Learning to dance hip-hop is easy in the city if you enroll in a dance school or use the services of a personal trainer. As for provincial towns and rural areas, it is more complicated. That's why many are interested in how to learn to dance hip-hop at home.

Homework has many benefits. Training takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, no one bothers with ridiculous advice and doesn’t “pin up”. The main thing is to have a mirror and suitable music. As a result, maximum concentration is achieved.

Before delving into the topic, consider the subculture and musical direction of hip-hop that accompanies it. It all started in 1974 in New York. By that time, the constituent subcultures, including emcing and graffiti, philosophy, DJing and breaking, beatboxing, slang and fashion, had formed. Hiphopers were considered people who have mastered one of the areas.

If you study hip-hop, you will gain knowledge in music, without it even a simple dance does not exist. At the end of the last century, hip-hop became an independent musical genre.

In general, this music has two main components. In the first place is the rhythm set by the DJ, followed by a rhymed recitative, characterized by rhythm.

  • Take care of equipment and equipment. For hip-hop dances, loose clothing and comfortable shoes are suitable. You will need a music center or compact player.
  • Start learning with swaying. Spread your legs, lower your arms and listen to the music. To concentrate, close your eyes and hum to yourself the words of the sounding song.
  • At the initial stage, learn to hear a beat. If you don’t “catch” a bit, you won’t become a hiphopper. Swinging, which is a fundamental movement, will help to do this. After catching the wave, move to complex movements.

Over time, you realize that watching themed photographs and videos on the Internet, do not learn anything - there are no clear movements in hip-hop.

Different directions are divided, each of which is characterized by its own movements. There is no logical or systematic connection between the movements, and they are set by the heart and mood of the dancer.

The main directions of hip-hop

Mastering club dances is easier than hip hop. I will list the main areas that will help you better navigate them.

  1. Poping. A set of movements when certain muscle groups contract to music. At the same time, they alternate with relaxation in the joints and local movements.
  2. Waving. Without mastering this direction, you will not become a hiphoper. It is represented by smooth and plastic parts of the body.
  3. African jazz. The presented direction is suitable for girls. Difficult shaking of the lower body.
  4. Crump. Most professional dancers do not consider this direction independent. It is represented by vibrations and shaking of the chest, arms, legs and other parts of the body to the music.
  5. Ragga jazz. A person with a margin of thoughtful movements will master the direction. To the sounds of "percussion" the legs participate in the dance, and during the recitative, rotations are made by hands.
  6. Lock. The direction when intense music is accompanied by rotational movements of the hands, and during a pause the body freezes or slows down.
  7. Power mov. The direction is the most bewitching. It is represented by handstand, torsion, transitions and acrobatic elements. Only strong and hardy people dance like this.

You got the first idea of ​​how to master hip-hop dances at home. To achieve the goal of this knowledge is not enough. Keep reading the story.

Hip Hop Lessons for Beginner Girls

Many musical directions are popular among young people. Hip-hop is associated with energetic dancing and colorful items of clothing.

You can master acrobatic tricks at school or at home. Consider hip-hop lessons for beginner girls, because it is the girls who attract this direction the most.

  • Physical form. Work on your physical form, because hip-hop is a lively dance that requires flexibility and endurance. Simple exercises, including tilting and bending, will help improve body flexibility. Improve your stamina by running.
  • Suitable shoes and clothes. For dancing, a tandem of t-shirts and shorts is suitable. Light sports shoes will complement the outfit. You can buy other outfits that street fashion welcomes.
  • Training place. The apartment is suitable if you remove the carpet from the floor and install a mirror in the corner. It will help to control movements and evaluate their beauty.
  • Educational materials. Be sure to watch as many training videos for hipsters as possible. While watching, pay attention to all the little things in order to master the technique of performing tricks.
  • Repetition of simple movements. Watch your body in the mirror. It must be obeyed on a subconscious level.
  • More complex movements. I recommend dividing complex movements into simple elements and making a repetition sequence. Reach the goal only through patience, as not every beginner can learn a complex movement right away.

This step-by-step algorithm will help you learn basic movements. On their basis, put together a full-fledged hip-hop dance, using style and imagination.

Video tutorials for children

When dancing hip-hop, listen to the music, the main element of which is beat. In this musical direction, he hides under the arrangement. As a future hiphopper, you must learn to hear it. Always listen to music, trying to improve your hearing.

Video training

In each subsequent training, skills will be improved, but independent training will not allow you to leave the amateur category. You can become a professional only with the help of a trainer who will indicate errors and help correct errors.

Hip Hop Secrets for Guys

For many people, hip hop is associated with energy, youth, and personality. It is not surprising that every day the number of teenagers who want to master this dance technique is increasing.

Continuing the topic of the article, I’ll talk about mastering hip-hop dances for guys. Any young man can learn the basic movements and become a dancer.

Not every male body is flexible and flexible, but a guy does not always need such qualities. Hip-hop due to the variety of directions suits people of any physical fitness and physique.

  1. Dancing school. Effective and efficient way. Under the guidance of a trainer, quickly learn basic movements. Although hip hop is a free and anarchistic dance, basic movements exist. Having mastered these movements, overcome the first step.
  2. Error correction. The teacher will point out the mistakes you make while performing hip-hop elements. He will hedge when you switch to tricks of high complexity. As a result, health will not be affected.
  3. Videos. If you prefer home workouts, stock up on training videos. When practicing at home, focus on basic skills, and interactive courses will help you achieve the result.
  4. Classes in front of the mirror. Using mirrors will increase productivity. If you observe the movements during classes, this will improve the effect. So understand how you look from the side.
  5. Hipster party. Another option that involves stubbornness and courage. We are talking about visits to special places where hipsters gather. Prepare in advance for ridicule and unpleasant expressions regarding misconduct and clumsiness.
  6. Compliance with the routine. The human body gets used to change. If you engage in at a certain time, the body will prepare for the moment of receiving loads.
  7. Duration of training two hours. This time is enough to warm up and acquire skills. Do not overload the body.
  8. Place and clothes. For homework, you need free space, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
  9. Physical exercise. If you plan to study complex movements and master difficult acrobatic tricks, it will not hurt to pump up your hands and master the handstand. In the process of studying complex movements, I recommend that you protect yourself. Put something soft in the place of probable fall.

Reaching the goal, you can easily take a pose, which is usually relaxed people. By that moment, a powerful force will be concentrated inside the body, with the help of which you can quickly and seamlessly combine movements into a full-fledged dance, corresponding to the rhythm of music. This is the skill of hip-hop.

Video Tips for Beginners

In advanced and trendy clubs, a variety of music sounds. A person who dances to certain melodies and rhythms in this environment is not easy. However, you won’t scare hipsters because dance moves are universal.

To become a hiphoper, you need to study the movements and spend a lot of time on training. But after reaching the goal no one will reproach that you do not know how to dance, and giving advice is inappropriate.

Remember, dance is an expression of the soul. If you find yourself on a dance floor, do not rush to demonstrate skills. Listen to the rhythm. As a result, intuition will tell you a set of movements corresponding to the music.

Use the whole body during the dance. Waving your arms randomly will not attract the attention of the opposite sex. Use the movements of the arms and legs, so you will look harmonious on the site.

Before going to the club, tune in to positive and forget about the seriousness that was shown during training. Only in this case, dancing will bring pleasure, allow you to relax and catch the rhythm.

Each person has their own characteristics, and not everyone will immediately learn the wisdom of dancing. If there is no sense of rhythm, and plastic wants the best, homework will not bring results. Work out with a professional.

Watch the video: 3 Simple Dance Moves for Beginners Hip Hop Dance Moves Tutorial. Mihran Kirakosian (October 2024).

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