Effective bedroom furniture program

Modern manufacturers of bedroom furniture offer the so-called "turnkey solutions". If before the ear of our compatriot the name “bedroom set” was familiar, nowadays the “furniture program for the bedroom” and “furniture from one collection to the sleeping room” are heard more and more. But in any case, we are talking about some necessary set of furniture, which is needed not only for a comfortable sleep, but also for the placement of clothes, pastels and other accessories.

For some homeowners, the presence of armchairs and a coffee table is necessary, someone needs a pouf, and some dream of a dressing table. That is why many furniture collections are based on a modular principle - manufacturers create standard blocks on the basis of which it is possible to assemble cabinet furniture in a bedroom of almost any size, purpose, capacity and configuration. Thus, you can create a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables and supplement them with a bed (from the same collection or at your discretion). As a result, you are ensured a harmonious appearance of the entire bedroom decor, which looks like a single set.

The selection and purchase of individual pieces of furniture and decor for the bedroom is a difficult and lengthy process. But, those who are not satisfied with "ready-made solutions" from manufacturers will have to try and create an organic set of bedroom furniture on their own. In order to fully satisfy your ideas and choose a practical, reliable ensemble that will last for many years and will delight you with your appearance, you need to correlate your own desires, the size of the room (its shape) and financial capabilities.

It is very important to adapt your wishes to the size of the room - if the bedroom is small, then do not overdo the furnishings in order to avoid cluttering up the space. If the bedroom, on the contrary, is very spacious, then small bedside tables or small shelves, open shelves of modest sizes will look ridiculous.


If you choose a bed from a collection of ready-made solutions, then most likely the choice will be small. As a rule, within the framework of one bedroom program, manufacturers offer one option for a bed, but in different sizes. The maximum that can be upgraded is to order special drawers at the bottom of the bed. Head and leg height adjustment is available only in premium companies.

If you choose a bed from the whole range that modern furniture salons can offer, then get ready for a serious dilemma. The variety of models, manufacturing options and headboard upholstery, sizes and shapes of beds is amazing. Relate your own priorities to the size of the sleeping and relaxing areas, your budget for the bed and do not forget to take into account the characteristics of strength, reliability and durability of the central piece of furniture in your bedroom.

Everyone knows that we spend a third of our life in a dream. It is during sleep that our body rests after a hard day and gathers strength for the next. In order for your sleep to be sound, deep and safe from a health point of view, you need to be serious about choosing a bed. In this case, it is better not to chase cheapness, because you invest in your own health.

The durability and strength of the bed will largely depend on the quality of workmanship and the material of the frame. Not to mention the fact that the dimensions of the frame must exactly match the parameters of the mattress so that the latter does not slip and does not puff.

The most common among furniture of average price are now beds with a frame made of MDF or fiberboard. Unfortunately, such materials cannot boast of high strength and reliability. But the frame made of solid solid wood or metal construction will serve you faithfully for many years (subject to proper operation).

The strength of the bed is also affected by the number of ceilings (jumpers) that are laid on the base of the frame, a mattress will rest on them. As a rule, the number of jumpers in a double bed is close to 30. The distance between them should not be more than the width of the jumpers themselves. Recently, metal mesh or trellis bases under the mattress are rarely used. This is due to the technological characteristics of the structures - over time, the mesh bends, deforms.

There are some ergonomic canons for choosing bed sizes, compliance with which can not only make your life easier, but also harmoniously integrate the bed into the dimensions of your room. Standard double beds are usually available in sizes of 160-180cm, but there are options for 2m wide. When purchasing a bed and installing it, keep in mind that the minimum distance from the wall to the side of your bed should be at least 70cm.

It is advisable not to install the bed close to the wall with the side. This option is acceptable only if there is no other way out and the bedroom space is already very small.

When choosing a bed for sleep, consider its height. It is believed that the height of the bed should vary according to the height of the person. For adults, the height of the bed is considered ideal, at which the person’s knees and bed are on the same level.

Bedside tables

A bedside table is a common name for a group of dissimilar pieces of furniture for a bedroom, from low tables to small racks with drawers. As a rule, manufacturers offer the option of "hotels" - a bed with two side tables.

But not all homeowners like these designs. Many people like superstructures and niches located at the head of the bed. Roomy shelves allow you to keep the "little things" at hand.

The design, material and method of manufacturing bedside tables depends at least in the appearance of the entire bedroom. They are capable of both decorating the interior and nullifying all efforts to improve it.

As a rule, the presence of a bedside table “pulls up” the presence of a table lamp, more often a wall lamp. If the lamp and the nightstand create a harmonious in form and color union, then the entire interior of the bedroom is only “on hand”.

Mirror bedside tables not so long ago literally blew up the design world with their appearance. In the interiors of almost any style you could see similar designs. Thanks to the reflective surfaces of the cabinets, they seemed to dissolve in space, erasing the edges of the piece of furniture. But such furnishings bring not only originality to the interior, but also need additional care from the owners. Fingerprints, spots and any rubbish double on a mirror surface.

The original design of bedside tables can increase the degree of the interior of the bedroom. Unusual shape or material, colors or decor will add originality to the bedroom.

An unusual alternative to bedside tables or low tables can be medium-sized racks with combined storage systems - open shelves and drawers with doors.

To save space and bring the effect of surprise into a fairly traditional interior, designers recommend using the so-called "hanging" cabinets on both sides of the bed. The structures look like they are stuck in the air, but at the same time the bedside tables are quite spacious and can withstand a decent load.

Low tables made of transparent plastic completely dissolve in the air. Lightweight, lightweight designs are suitable for an equally elegant interior filled with light and cleanliness.

Cases and dressers

Storage systems in the bedroom are necessary, especially for apartments and houses in which there is no separate dressing room for clothes, shoes and accessories. If your bedroom is spacious enough, you can consider purchasing cabinets from the modular offer of manufacturers of "ready-made solutions" for the bedroom.

Typically, these storage systems are impressive in size and are designed for rooms with standard parameters. But in this case, you will not need to worry about the compliance of the material and the color palette with all the furniture, because it goes, as they say in the kit.

If the modular version of storage systems does not suit you for one reason or another, then you can turn to built-in furniture. In this case, it will be possible to take into account all the features of the size and shape of your room, the nuances of the location of other furniture and save a significant part of the usable space.

Manufacturers of economy-class furniture try to adhere to the strategy of producing capacious cabinets with many sashes. For apartments and households in which there is no dressing room - this is an ideal option for storing a family wardrobe, bedding and more.

When ordering a storage system, you can go the original way, in which the facades of the cabinets are covered with textile, which has a repetition in the interior of the bedroom. Such an original storage system can also serve as a screen zoning space.

Storage systems can be placed on the side of the bed (instead of bedside tables), unless, of course, the space of the sleeping room allows you to do this. As a result, the bed is placed in a shallow niche, which creates additional comfort, a cozy place to sleep and brings originality to the interior. In order for storage systems that fill the entire space from the ceiling to the floor to not look too bulky, part of the shelves is made open or the doors (or parts thereof) are provided with glass inserts.

Not always the shape and design of the room, allow you to create a symmetrical arrangement of storage systems relative to the central element - the bed. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the possibility of installing a wardrobe in the bedroom or an ordinary small wardrobe.

The mood of the bedroom depends on how the facades of your cabinets look. The deaf smooth doors, on closers, devoid of handles, are perfect for a minimalist interior, modern style. To create a classic interior or country-style bedroom (for example, Provence) it makes sense to look at carved surfaces, at doors with cutters, cornices and original decor of handles

Premium companies offer miniature wardrobe cases that cannot act as a full-fledged wardrobe, but rather serve as a roomy chest of drawers. Such models are perfect for classic-style bedrooms, baroque and rococo. It is believed that the owner of such a bedroom set has a full dressing room, and a mini-locker is needed to accommodate the little things that you need to have "at hand."

Handmade miniature wardrobes, low storage systems, decorated with carvings, can transform even the simplest interior. Sometimes one elegant piece of furniture is enough to change the character of the room.

The chest of drawers will be able to replace the closet in the small bedroom or, if the apartment has a dressing room and there is no need for a large storage system. The chest of drawers takes up less space, but at the same time it can fit many important little things and items of clothing, underwear.

An interesting alternative to the usual design of a chest of drawers with drawers can be a low cupboard for two or three sections. Of course, such a piece of furniture will increase the degree of originality of the room, bring a fresh stream to the framework of a traditional setting.

If the size of the bedroom is more than modest and does not allow even a small cabinet to be placed, in this case you can consider installing a hanging tape storage system - small cabinets are located one after the other almost under the ceiling. But a small chest of drawers in this case will be necessary - to place linen and other trifles for daily use.

Tape storage systems can be located not only in the upper part of the room, but also in the bottom of the room. In this case, all communications are successfully hidden behind the facades of the cabinets, but it is important to consider the possibility of free ventilation of the space near the walls.

If your bedroom has a fireplace, the logical arrangement of storage systems will be the space around it. In such rooms, the bed is not always the focus of attention, as the central element of furniture. If the fireplace is a grain of the interior concept, then storage systems should play the role of suites and create the appropriate environment.

Dressing table

Often in the sets of ready-made programs for the bedroom there is also a dressing table, which usually comes with a pouf or a lightweight chair. In this case, you will only have to take care of the mirror and the lighting system. Whether the mirror is wall mounted or mounted on the surface of the table is up to you. As for lighting, it is better to provide an option as bright lighting for applying or removing makeup, and dim light for time before bedtime.

If the ready-made solution is not your choice, then you can order the manufacture of a dressing table, which will be a continuation of the storage system, for example. In fact, to organize a place for the hostess of the bedroom, a console, a couple of drawers for storing various trifles and a mirror with lighting are enough.

Often, a dressing table is part of a furniture ensemble created from storage systems. In this case, it is possible not only to save the useful space of the bedroom, but also to create a balanced environment in which all elements of the atmosphere are in harmony. In addition, the placement of storage systems near the table (at arm's length) creates convenience when selecting an image.

Bench seat

This is usually called a small soft bench, which is installed at the foot of the bed. It is much more convenient to undress or take off your clothes while sitting on a bench, (if you sit on the edge of the mattress, creating a precise load, you thereby reduce its life).

Often, banquets provide an internal cavity for storing pajamas or an extra bedspread. Not to mention that the unusual, interesting design of this small piece of furniture is able to decorate the interior of the bedroom, bring originality, brightness.

An alternative to a bench can be a large ottoman (frameless or with a frame) or a pair of ottomans standing nearby. They will also perform the main function properly, and inside each there may be a small cavity for storing removable bedding or an off-season blanket.

You will not need a bench if your bed has a ledge in relation to the mattress. In this case, you can change clothes while sitting on this ledge and not worry about the wear of the mattress.

Bedroom + study

Despite the fact that Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing any other zones in the bedroom, and especially related to work, for some homeowners an office in the bedroom is a necessity. In this case, it will be necessary to think over the furnishings of the home office so that the desk and armchair fit harmoniously into the general concept of the room.

To organize a workplace in the bedroom, you really need a little - a table or console and a place to sit. If the bedroom is small, then it is better to choose a lightweight model of the desk, with enough space, you can choose more massive designs, with drawers.

Watch the video: How to Arrange a Bedroom (October 2024).

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