Tulle in the interior of the hall - a spectacular drapery of 2018

The design of the hall or living room is one of the most responsible and at the same time pleasant ways to create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere in the home. After all, it is in the hall that the whole family gathers after a hard day, guests are taken here on weekends and holidays, it is this room that is always in sight, under close attention. Therefore, in the design of the hall, it is important to take into account all the nuances - from choosing a color palette and layout, to decorating the interior. An important and incredibly pleasant finishing touch in the design of the living room or hall with the help of textiles is the drapery of window openings. In this publication we would like to talk about the choice of tulle for modern living rooms and demonstrate an extensive selection of design projects, proving that even with just one detail of the interior you can radically change the image of the entire room.

Tulle and its role in the design of the hall windows

Tulle is used for drapery windows in a wide variety of stylistic directions in the design of residential spaces. Minimalist interiors and classic, modern and country-style - you can see patterned or absolutely smooth curtains in any design project. So why, despite the desire of modern styling for minimalism, to abandon any obstacles to the distribution of sunlight in space, designers and their customers continue to use tulle as a drapery for windows?

Only at first glance it might seem that the use of curtains for drapery window openings is a tribute to tradition. Tulle performs many functions:

  • muffles sunlight in the room to the desired level;
  • if it is the only participant in drapery of windows in the living room, tulle takes on the function of a screen for natural lighting, if it acts as a partner for curtains, it helps in creating a composition for completely darkening the space;
  • if sun protection is not always a priority (for example, for rooms located on the north side of the building), then it is necessary to protect the room from prying eyes in any case and the tulle copes with this function perfectly;
  • with the help of curtains you can create some zoning of a segment for relaxing from the kitchen area in the combined room (kitchen-dining room-living room-studio);
  • if with the help of tulle not only the windows of the room are draped, but also panoramic glass doors with access to the terrace or the back yard, then the curtains can serve as a barrier to insects, if the owners decided to open the doors for ventilation;
  • tulle can be used exclusively as a decorative element decorating the design of windows;
  • curtain fabric can act as an accent element of the interior.

The patterned tulle, which is also called the curtain curtain (familiar to all of us from childhood), loses its position, giving way to a translucent veil, which is increasingly used as a material for creating a translucent curtain for windows. The veil can be used for the manufacture of traditional curtains - paintings with evenly distributed vertical folds, fabric blinds can be made on a flexible basis, asymmetric lambrequins and jabots can be sewn, and fabric can be wooded. Also, when attaching the curtains to the cornice (or any other device for decorating the window), you can use various methods of hanging the paintings - there are no boundaries to the flight of fantasy.

Options for the execution of curtains from tulle for the hall

The traditional use of tulle as curtain fabric is a combination of translucent paintings in dense curtains of a classic cut. The time-tested option will look harmoniously in a room decorated in any style. Having a curtain composition from the ceiling to the floor, you can achieve a visual increase in the height of the ceiling in the living room. And this is in addition to the basic properties of drapery for windows - protecting the room from the sun and prying eyes.

The combination of light, translucent tulle and traditional curtains made of dense fabric is ideal for decorating windows in a bay window, no matter what modification it is.

Curtains from translucent tulle, like curtains, can be decorated with intercepts of various modifications. Such an approach to window decoration is appropriate not only in classic interiors.

Another way to use curtains from the veil of a traditional model is to combine translucent paintings with thick fabric lambrequins. It can be both hard and soft lambrequins, from plain or printed material.

In some cases, the need to use curtains on the windows disappears, and tulle acts solo as the main attribute of window drapery in the living room or hall. In this case, you can diversify the design of the window only by attaching the tulle, the texture and color of the canvas itself. White is considered the traditional color of translucent curtains and there are several reasons for this. The snow-white veil organically fits into any design of the living room, helps to create a light, airy and clean image of the room. The snow-white window design helps visually increase not only the window openings, but the entire room, if the tulle is located from the ceiling to the floor and from one wall to another.

Fabric blinds can also be made from translucent tulle, fastening the canvas with flexible inserts. When opened, such canvases are translucent screens and can be used as the only window decoration in the living room. Together with curtains or when combining drapery options for windows of different modifications (for example, curtains are placed on narrow windows, and traditional drapery models are hung on a large panoramic window).

Light pelmets made of translucent tulle will serve not so much as protection from sunlight or prying eyes, but will help to decorate window openings and the entire interior of the living room as a whole. Such decorative elements can also act as a color accent and a link between interior items from different color groups.

Color palette

If the traditional version of the veil for making curtains seems too simple for you, the boring way of decorating the windows in the hall, then a wide palette of pastel colors at your service. Light beige, golden, light blue, mint, silver and even lemon color are suggested by the designers to use this season to decorate spacious enough living rooms and halls.

If for the manufacture of curtains in the hall a bright fabric or material with a large, colorful pattern was used, then a light translucent veil would be an ideal partner for dense paintings with curtain compositions.

If pastel colors do not seem original and modest enough for you, then you can use dark tulle (dark gray, dark blue tones) to create a certain accent and draw attention to the design of windows in the living room.

Printed tulle with a pattern in modern design projects is less common. The fact is that not every room is able to "withstand" a large drawing, especially if it is colored. A large geometric or floral ornament will invariably attract attention. This design option is suitable for living rooms with panoramic windows and medium or large areas.

Vertical stripes on the curtains can help visually increase the height of the ceiling in the living room or hall ...

Even if the stripes are formed by perfectly stitched folds.

The combination of a translucent tulle with a denser fabric allows you to create not only a variety of combinations, but also serves as a weighting agent to more clearly identify vertical folds on the canvases.

Mounting Methods

Canvases on grommets as a drapery of windows in the living room do not lose their popularity. Convenient from the point of view of operation, metal or plastic rings (eyelets) are attached not only to the fabric for curtains, but are also used for the manufacture of curtains from a translucent veil. To do this, it is enough to use non-woven fabric or any other dense fabric to create the basis for attaching the eyelets. Evenly distributed rings will help to create ideal vertical folds and will provide unimpeded movement of paintings on ledges.

It is possible to create an accent in the area of ​​window openings even with a neutral light performance of drapery. Dark cornices will become a contrasting element of the interior, located on a light background of the walls. Thus, it is possible not only to diversify the color scheme of the living room design, but also to distract attention from undesirable areas or individual interior items.

Tulle is not just for windows

With the help of a translucent fabric, you can not only decorate the windows in the living room, but also zone the room in which several functional segments are located. For example, in the studio room, you can separate the living area from the dining room and kitchen segment with the help of tulle curtains. At the same time, it is not necessary to use the same material as a mobile, translucent partition as for drapery window openings in a combined room.

Another way to use translucent tulle in the interior of a living room or hall is the drapery of glass doors. Exit to the terrace or backyard is conveniently draped with tulle not only to protect from sunlight and prying eyes, you can leave the curtain as a protection against insects with the doors open.

Watch the video: GLAM DIY WEDDING OR PARTY BACKDROP (October 2024).

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