3D wallpaper in a modern interior

Many of us have vivid memories of the murals. Birch grove or waterfall, forest edge or arbor with weaving plants were present in almost every Russian apartment at the end of the last century. Wall murals of a new generation can hardly be compared with those samples of finishing materials to create an accent surface. High print quality, incredibly realistic image, which is called "with the effect of presence", materials that do not attract dust, can withstand moisture and temperature extremes, can be applied not only to smooth walls, but also textured surfaces, cabinet doors - all these are modern photo wallpapers for decoration with a wide variety of functional loads. And now add to the high quality of the materials themselves a realistic 3D image, when the picture seems to protrude directly from the canvas into the room, and you will get the perfect option to create an accent wall in the room, to add originality to even the most ordinary interior, to create a special, thematic atmosphere.

3D Photo Wallpaper Features

Wallpaper with a 3D effect is a canvas with a widescreen image for walls and other surfaces:

  • the main feature is a three-dimensional image, which seems to move from the surface of the wall to the room;
  • Wallpaper with a 3D effect is created about the technology for making photo wallpaper - first, an image is formed in a special computer program, the necessary shades are selected, then printing is performed;
  • You can create an image on any subject - from a huge family portrait to an abstract drawing.

Large-format printing with the 3D effect can be made on canvases from:

  • paper;
  • vinyl canvas;
  • non-woven base.

The choice of base material for printing allows you to use photo wallpaper in various rooms. The most environmentally friendly paper-based option can be used in bedrooms and children's rooms, living rooms, libraries, offices and even dining rooms. In rooms with a high risk of contamination, humidity and possible mechanical effects on the walls (hallways, corridors, kitchen and even the bathroom), you can use non-woven vinyl wallpapers with a widescreen image.

Photo wallpaper with a widescreen image can be glued not only on the walls, but also on the following planes:

  • ceiling;
  • drywall interior partitions;
  • cabinet doors;
  • glass and mirror surfaces as a fragmentary image.

Types of 3D Photo Wallpaper

The market for modern finishing materials with large format printing is incredibly wide. Among the entire assortment, the following types of photo wallpaper can be distinguished:

  • single canvases are independent images or fragments of them that can be glued to walls, interior partitions, doors, part of the surface or appear in a frame (moldings, frames);
  • panoramic canvases differ in scale - they can stretch more than one wall to create a full-scale effect of presence, a special thematic atmosphere;
  • 3D murals with a fluorescent effect - in the dark, such canvases can glow due to the presence of special elements in the paint layer;

  • LED wallpapers are usually supplied in conjunction with a lighting system (made to order and has a high cost).

Options for use in the interior for decoration and decoration

Canvases with three-dimensional images can be used in rooms of any purpose: living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, dining rooms and kitchens, offices and libraries, hallways, corridors and other utilitarian spaces. Cloths with large-format printing can be glued both to the entire wall (or to two adjacent surfaces), or to form part of a vertical plane. You can arrange the ceiling (most often used the image of a cloudy or starry sky) in the bedroom or children's room.

Wallpaper with a 3D effect can be used to visually increase the space of small rooms. For example, a path, staircase or road going into the distance visually erases the boundaries of the room, sending our gaze into the distance. Even for very small rooms (corridors, bathrooms, spaces near stairs), this visual effect gives an excellent result - the rooms seem to have a continuation in the painted world.

Wall murals themselves have an eye-catching effect, it makes no sense to use very bright colors, colorful combinations to create an accent in the interior. Even a black-and-white image becomes the focal center of a room if it extends to the entire wall, and even more so to two adjacent surfaces.

AT the bedroom It is necessary to create a relaxing atmosphere for a good rest. The ideal version of the photo wallpaper in this case is a natural landscape, a photo of plants, flowers. Most often, with the help of wallpapers with a 3D effect, a wall is formed behind the head of the bed, but a lot depends on the shape and size of the room, the location of window and doorways.

AT living room You can use both natural and urban landscapes, abstract images, your own photos, drawings of animals, insects and any objects in macro photography. It all depends on the design concept of the common room, the selected color palette, and the decoration of adjacent surfaces - floors, ceilings and other walls.

Accent wall decoration in office depends on what effect you would like to achieve from the image. If you need to keep yourself in good shape for working at home, you need a dynamic picture. If you need a relaxing atmosphere to inspire creative activity, then landscapes, plants, flowers will be an ideal option.

AT hallways, corridors, spaces near the stairs, as a rule, there is a lack of usable area, so it makes sense to use images that help visually increase the volume of the room, or opt for abstract drawings. But it all depends on the style of interior design and the place to create an accent surface. Some types of wallpapers with 3D effect are perfectly combined with wall panels, moldings, wood inserts.

AT kitchen and dining rooms experts do not recommend using thematic images with household items, prepared dishes or their components - fruits, vegetables and other products. A large photo of food will constantly provoke an influx of appetite, it is better to opt for neutral natural images - landscapes, plants, flowers, as well as abstract drawings.

Watch the video: 3D wallpaper in a modern interior. 55 best ideas of 2019 (October 2024).

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