How to get rid of ants in a summer cottage

Ants in the summer cottage cause a lot of trouble to gardeners. Propagating at great speed, they hit cultivated plants, and after some time they attack the whole garden. Such insects live whole families in anthills. And the number one task for owners who have discovered ants in their country house is to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Reasons for the appearance

Obviously, ants living in colonies are always looking for their own food sources. And in the kitchen gardens there are many. That is why pests can often be seen in summer cottages. In addition to nutritional reserves, here they will always find what to build a good house from.

But most often these insects populate untidy or abandoned sites, because in those gardens that the owners regularly and carefully process, it is dangerous and unreliable to settle.

What types of ants are found in summer cottages?

In our latitudes, red ants are most often found. They are quite small and do not cause harm to humans. But sometimes you can see black insects or other rarer individuals. Black ants are much larger than their red counterparts.

Traditionally, these pests are divided into castes. Workers live on the surface in search of building materials and food, and those whose function is to reproduce are in anthills.

Usually ants do not bite, except for self-defense purposes. The bites of these insects are not able to cause harm to humans, with the exception of allergies and individual characteristics of the human body. But one way or another, pest control should be carried out promptly and in a timely manner, otherwise uninvited guests will occupy the entire garden plot in a short time.

Methods of struggle

There are many different ways and means to combat ants in a summer cottage - from powerful and effective chemicals to simple aromatic herbs. Each method is good in its own way, but each has its own drawbacks. So, physical methods are not very effective, but they are completely safe and economical; chemical, on the contrary, are harmful, but still give a good result; popular - inexpensive and tested.


After the first use, chemical preparations from ants are very effective. They come in the form of aerosols, liquids or capsules. Aerosols and capsules are the easiest to use: just distribute them in the nest of pests. Liquids are diluted with water in the appropriate proportions indicated on the package. When in contact with chemicals, it is very important to use gloves and a respirator. Of the most commonly used ones, one can distinguish: “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Get”, “Clean House”, “Karbofos”, etc.

The stores sell a variety of types of poison baits. On the packages there is always an instruction that indicates how to get rid of black, red ants using these chemicals. Although this is an effective means of controlling insects, it is quite expensive, so many owners prefer alternative methods.

Physical Methods of Ant Fighting

This method is effective only as a prophylaxis or at the initial degree of damage. It is good to sprinkle anthills with ash. Insects are also afraid of temperature changes. In this case, you can treat the nests with boiling water, steam, or, conversely, ice water.

Particularly humane summer residents, who are sensitive to any living creatures, often carry anthills farther from the garden to neutral territory. Of course, such a care is worthy of praise, but the summer cottage obviously will not benefit. In fact, removing the anthills in this way will not work out completely. After all, the bulk of the individuals live even deeper, especially those ants that breed. And such measures will not lead to anything: after a while, the pests will breed again.

Folk recipes

Alternative methods with proper use give an excellent result. Due to the fact that these insects are a fairly common phenomenon, there are many popular recipes and methods to combat them.

To folk methods include borax, feverfew, boric acid. These funds are absolutely harmless to plants, humans and pets, but ants face a bad outcome. Pyrethrum is made from the color of chamomile, and borax is salt, which is made from boric acid. Sprinkle the nest on top and wait for the insects to feast on.

You can try to eliminate ants with ancient, but no less effective methods. Coffee grounds mixed with sugar syrup or sugar soaked in boric acid is an effective force against annoying and harmful neighbors.

You can use household preparations, liquids, herbs. The smells of tansy, ledum, and wormwood scare away ants perfectly. Household fluids such as kerosene, gasoline, ammonia, benzene, etc. will be effective. They are poured into a nest, after which the insects leave the area due to the caustic aroma.

Ordinary cornmeal also works well. Eating on the spot, thrifty insects transfer it to the nests, after which they die in a few days. Semolina works in a similar way, and it is completely safe for curious pets.

Ant Services Effectiveness

Perhaps the most reliable and correct method in pest control is to call sanitary workers. Indeed, it is a professional approach that is the best way to solve this problem. Of course, they use the most effective methods, but it is necessary to take care of the preliminary protection of cultivated plants. And do not forget to warn the neighbors about the planned procedure, as chemicals can also get on their plantations. After such professional treatment, you will forget about annoying pests for a long time, and the result will be noticeable after the first chemical treatment.


The problem of pests in the summer cottage is solved by each owner separately - it all depends on the situation and preferences. But even if you have not had to deal with the problem of insects in the garden, do not forget about prevention.

Only timely measures will not allow you to spend money on poison subsequently. It is enough to dig up regularly, weed a site and annually (every spring) to spray the earth with special means. This is an excellent prevention of not only the appearance of ants, but also all kinds of other pests in the country.

Watch the video: Fire Ant Control (January 2025).

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