Stylish home office interior

What can you say about work at home? Of course, the room is very important. Of course, you can take your laptop (if any) and sit in the kitchen or sit in the bedroom. But it’s much more convenient and functional to work in a room specially organized for this. Therefore, the home office has recently become popular.

Of course, you can often hear that work is not worth bringing home, there you need to relax and spend time with your family or yourself. This is indisputable and correct, you should not give all the time to work. But we live in such a time that we have to work a lot, not only for men, but also for women. For example, if you do not have a family, then you can calmly work at home in your home office, receive guests there, negotiate, and so on. And if you have a family, then here you can find time for work. For example, children in kindergarten, at school, on a walk, with grandmothers and so on, then you do not work to the detriment of the family, but simply spend free time on it.

Well, if the whole family is at home, sitting at lunch or dinner in the kitchen or in the living room watching TV, and you need to receive an important guest and hold urgent negotiations, even on Skype, it will be very inconvenient. And so, instead of taking the guest to the kitchen or the living room or to the computer there, trying to work a little, is it not better to retire to your home office and work quietly, and then go to enjoy the company of your loved ones. In addition, there is a considerable advantage of working in your home office - after working, you do not need to go home, you just move from one room to another at home.

Another important point in relation to your home office - working there, you can completely concentrate on what you are doing, what you will not succeed in in a noisy living room, kitchen, where anyway someone will go in and disturb you. What about the bedroom? After all, one could also be alone there and concentrate on work. In general, yes, but the situation there is not working, the furniture is not appropriate, it is designed for sleep, and not for convenient work. Therefore, having equipped a special office, you can cope with the intended work much faster and go to the family.

Most often, the interior and design of the home office are expressed in a classic style and restraint, fully conveying the working spirit. However, this is not important, because if your work is creative, and you are an extraordinary person, then equip your workspace to your taste, even if it is eccentric or pretentious.

It is no secret to anyone that gender equality prevails in our time. Not only men work, but also women, who may also need a home office. Therefore, the style orientation can be different, oriented both to the masculine and the feminine. But all in order. First, let's talk about what should be present in any home office.

Home Office Interior

  • A desk is, by right, the most important piece of furniture in this room. It should be convenient and functional, have many drawers for storing important papers and stationery.

  • Comfortable armchair. It is worth ordering for yourself, so that you feel comfortable and soft in it. Often choose leather chairs, or with woolen upholstery.

  • The right lighting. In order not to spoil the vision, looking at the computer monitor or reading a lot of papers, it is necessary that there is good lighting in the home office. The ideal option would be to place the table near the window, as daylight is the most beneficial. In addition, it is necessary to install light sources not only on the ceiling in the form of a chandelier, but also a table lamp - a lot of light is needed to operate.

  • Shelving. This, of course, is an optional attribute of your interior, but desirable. Since large work folders with documents or books feel great on shelves, it will be very convenient to find the necessary ones.

You can also put your letters or awards on the shelves, if they are not there, they will certainly appear. Various business souvenirs will also look good here.

  • Armchairs for guests. It is possible that guests do not often come into your office, but still sometimes this will happen and, of course, they will be very uncomfortable talking to you while standing. Therefore, pick up a few chairs to match the entire interior, you can even soft or a sofa.

In fact, you can put in your home office absolutely any furniture that you need there, it can be a sofa, a TV, a bar, and much more.

The choice of interior directly depends on what you will use this room for. Either it will be only a work area, or a home library, a zone of your favorite hobby, a corner of creativity. Knowing a specific direction, you can easily pick up an interior and design for it.

As for the style side of the cabinet, there are many options. As mentioned above, for men and women there are various styles.

Men's office

Since men still work more often in offices, we will start with the men's office. Everything, of course, will depend on the character of the man, on his individual taste and on the type of work he does. For your comfort and expression, you can pay attention to luxurious classics, minimalist high-tech, maybe brutal country.

Regarding furniture upholstery, you can focus on the clothes that a man wears. If you are a business person, like strict suits that are plain or, for example, with a strip or a cage, then you can apply the same to your furniture upholstery, then it will fully reflect your character. The material for the walls can be any, but the color is better to choose sand, slate, brick.

How to properly arrange the windows of the men's office, we will tell you now. You can choose for yourself wooden blinds, roller blinds or just curtains made of dense fabric. Color, pick the shade of the walls so that they almost merge, the brightness here is inappropriate. All this characterizes a real man and contributes to his creative and working self-expression.

Women's office

Women can also choose classics, hi-tech, modern and any other style for their style foundation. Just here instead of masculine austerity, light, light and gentle tones can reign. Even if you are a business woman, you will not be bothered by notes of romance. You can choose the color of walls and furniture white, blue, green, beige, red or burgundy, and even pink - this in no way will downplay your business status. For windows, too, blinds and blackout curtains are suitable, only now they can already be diluted with some frills, cute accessories. You can use interesting figurines, paintings and flower arrangements as a decor.

To equip the interior and design of your home office, you need to carefully think through everything, since you need not only to create the right working atmosphere, but also to ensure harmony with the rest of the rooms of your house or apartment.

Watch the video: 50 Small Home Office Design Ideas 2018 (October 2024).

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