What are the options for furniture for a small hallway, photo options

Choosing furniture for a small hallway is not an easy task. If you have a very small space, you must do everything possible so that the hallway is as cozy, comfortable, beautiful as possible. The first impression of the house of the guests is formed by the appearance of the hallway. You can choose the right furniture in the hallway with a small photo which is provided below, if you follow certain rules. When arranging such a room, every detail is important: from the selected furniture to the lighting fixtures. A key role in the design of a small hallway will be played by furniture that can set the style for the existing interior.


For a small hallway, modular designs and elements are suitable. Such furniture for the hallway has many advantages, because it is not only more affordable, but also has standard dimensions.

At the moment, there are only a few options regarding the choice of furniture that is suitable for a small hallway. All case products have standardized dimensions. For the price they are more than affordable, while quite roomy. In most cases, the small hallway has the shape of a rectangle, so picking up hull structures is not difficult. You can contact specialized stores that can make a furniture set to order, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

But the built-in furniture is rarely made according to the standard project using measurements of the selected room. Such designs look more impressive, but their cost can be sky-high. But such a solution will allow you to design a room based on your own ideas about comfort and how this room should look. Such a solution will allow you to independently consider possible options for filling a compact hallway, choose the color, style of furniture and an additional headset.

Many people like this method because even with a non-standard room shape and an uneven wall surface, it is always very easy to choose built-in furniture as opposed to the same cabinet furniture, which will not be everywhere. The use of built-in furniture will help to significantly save on repair work.

First you need to decide how, in your understanding, should look like furniture in a small hallway. It is necessary to make appropriate measurements that will help to furnish the room correctly. Only these manipulations will help to figure out which furniture will be appropriate and which will be superfluous. This will determine the future budget for the purchase of furniture. What must be in the hallway can be seen in the table.

A piece of interiorIts main purpose
Shoe cabinetIt is necessary to choose a retractable and maximally roomy design, on which you can later sit down.
WardrobeThe design of the closet will look most ergonomic. They will save the available space due to sliding doors. It is necessary for hanging outerwear.
Umbrella standIt will not only help streamline the storage of umbrellas, but can become an additional decorative element.
MirrorIts size may be different, but it is recommended to place it on the door of the closet.
Niche or shelf for storing keysThis will allow you not to forget the most necessary things before leaving the house. Here may be the keys to the house, apartment, cottage or car.

As an additional headset, you can use hooks for clothes and bags, but only if the space allows, if there is a real need for it. If there is not enough space, then they must be hidden in a closet, away from the eyes. Too many outerwear on hooks can make the hallway not attractive and cluttered, which not everyone will like. Furniture in a square or rectangular overall hallway should be of standard dimensions. Rounded, corner or fanciful furniture here will look inappropriate because of the relatively small space of the hallway.

Materials of manufacture

One of the most important aspects is the choice of material from which the furniture was made. Often used for this chipboard and MDF. Natural wood, of course, can not be compared with them, but it costs an order of magnitude more. Such furniture will look much better in a small hallway. The quality of the assembly must be given special attention. If the fasteners are unreliable, and the doors are loose, then such a product will not last long. Similar defects can be corrected independently, with the help of screws and a punch.

To design a small hallway, garden furniture should not be used. It will contribute to the loss of the external characteristics of the room and its appearance.

Doors should open easily, and shelves to freely go outside. Hooks and shoulders should be designed for the heavy weight of sheepskin coats and fur coats. To design small hallways, it is recommended to use glass and plastic. Metal will look bad and is unlikely to fit into the interior. Therefore, do not resort to the hi-tech style. It is possible to use a full-fledged headset, however, choosing something original and at the same time compact is very difficult.

Kits may include such elements:

  • mirrors;
  • shoe lockers;
  • coat hooks;
  • a huge number of shelves;
  • rods of compact sizes;
  • the door.

Such sets will help to make the right choice, eliminating the possibility of a flaw. To do this, you need to select a specific style and calculate approximate dimensions. Based on the photo, it is recommended to choose modular furniture in a small hallway. This will allow you to choose the most effective configuration that will be appropriate in a particular room. If desired, individual elements can be rearranged or interchanged.

Color spectrum

Everyone knows that the use of light colors in the design of a small space will help visually expand the existing room. This rule applies not only to wall and ceiling surfaces, but also for furniture. It is recommended to use a natural tree of light tones. This can be a great alternative to painting surfaces in bright colors. To create a comfortable and cozy interior, you can use a rustic style in the design. You can install a white roomy shelving, which is perfect for storing a large number of things for a large family. The sides can be trimmed with hooks, which are designed to store small trinkets and accessories.

Semi-closed storage structures are considered no less rational and practical. For funny inscriptions and messages, you can put several chalk boards. With their help, you can sign shelves and niches that are reserved for each member of the family. Extremely practical and multi-functional wooden drawers and shelves, which can become an adornment of any interior. A large mirror and light wallpapers will help visually expand a small space. To diversify the interior with contrasting textiles, trim or upholstery.

If there are white walls, the cabinet of the same color will become almost invisible, while remaining roomy. In the compact hallway there is always a little space for a bookshelf, on which you can put flowers and accessories. Light colors are also used when decorating a room in a country style. To create a cozy atmosphere, you should use wooden furniture. If the choice fell on colorful wallpaper with a pattern, then the remaining furniture should be made exclusively in bright colors.

Style selection

Minimalism is perhaps the only way to design a small hallway. It is understood that an ascetic environment will be present in the room. In most cases, there is only enough space to place a small shelf for shoes and a few hooks for outerwear. If the hallway is quite small, then a closet with clothes is better to place in another, more overall room. In this case, it is better to give preference to furniture with smooth corners. This will help to avoid possible injuries in the future.

A solid bench can be installed along the entire wall, which in practice can turn out to be a roomy drawer for storing shoes. At the same time, hooks for clothes can be randomly placed above the bench, and on the contrary there is a huge mirror in the entire wall. Existing racks must be equipped with a retractable mechanism. Minimalism can be used when decorating a room in a country style. To do this, make a light background and use wooden furniture in darker colors. This contrast will look amazing.

Features of the design of small space

In order to arrange a small room correctly, you must adhere to several basic rules. Make the most of visual effects. Large mirrors can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the sliding cabinet door. After planning, at least 80 cm of space should remain for free passage. Otherwise, each time you will touch furniture or other interior items, squeezing deep into the house.

The shape of the hallway must be made as close as possible to the square. For narrow corridors and living rooms, it is recommended to use long cabinets with sliding doors, since they do not need additional space to open them.

To make space:

  • below - a similar problem occurs if the room is too narrow, which gives the effect of being in the well. The moldings used in decorating can be glued just below the level of the junction of the wall and ceiling. To do this, they are placed 20-30 cm below the ceiling. It is better to use uneven lines with an intricate ornament. Straight lines will clearly delineate the available space. Walls can be painted in smoothly changing tones, while moldings do not need to be used;
  • more spacious - in this case, do not use wallpaper with a large pattern;
  • slightly wider - it is recommended to install long mirrors along the walls. In this case, the surface of the objects should be glossy, not matte. You can use transparent furniture made of glass or plastic. The correct arrangement of furniture will play an important role in the visual expansion of the available space. It is recommended to use carpet paths, tiles and wooden panels with a discreet pattern or unusual texture as a floor covering;
  • above - for this it is recommended to use vertical stripes and lines on the wallpaper and other surfaces.

The choice of high-quality modern furniture for a small hallway should not cause concern or problems. It is necessary to timely calculate and approach this issue with a greater share of responsibility. The choice of each element should be based on the design of the room used, and not on intuition or the opinions of others. After all, the only way to make the right choice and design a room in your own unique style.



Watch the video: 20 Small house decor ideas (October 2024).

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