Advantages of couches with cougar mechanism, folding algorithm

Today, manufacturers of upholstered furniture offer consumers the most diverse models of sofas. Classic Books and French clamshells do not go out of fashion, but new models are most popular. Their bright representative is a couch with a Puma mechanism - furniture that is easy to use and durable. Thanks to its diverse design, such a product will harmoniously fit into any type of interior, and a compact external model when unfolded turns into a spacious place to sleep.

What is a

Puma sofas are universal, because they can be used both as a sofa and as a bed. Models with such a mechanism look compact, do not take up much space. In external characteristics, they are no different from the rest of the sofas, but when unfolding, they form a more spacious berth. The mechanism got its name because of the similarity of the transformation process with the movement of a graceful animal.

Sofas with a folding Puma mechanism turn into a bed without much effort, while their back remains motionless. The main advantage of the products is that their design is equipped with a soft spring mechanism with synchronizers. The disassembly process takes no more than 3 seconds.

A telescopic synchronizer is built into the Puma mechanism, which is an important part that evenly distributes the load on the product. The presence of this element in the structure does not allow other components to deform, and also makes the operation of the transformation mechanism smooth.

Puma sofas are made of metal profiles. Due to this, they can withstand significant loads (up to 200 kg), are excellent for people with increased body weight to relax. The furniture frame is assembled from plywood and chipboard, and polyurethane foam is used as a filler in sofas. Pillows of the product are stuffed with artificial fluff, in which mites and other microorganisms dangerous to human health do not start. Internal springs provide strength to the seat. Each couch with a folding Puma mechanism undergoes strict quality control. For this reason, they serve consumers for a long time and regularly.

Puma sofas are often placed in the living room, however this category of furniture can be used in bedrooms and even kitchens, due to the versatility of modern models. The widest assortment of products and their varied colors make it easy to choose the right design for any type of interior. In the search for furniture, you need to pay attention not only to the design, but also to the materials from which it is made.

For the correct and successful choice of sofa, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Seat and backrest filler. Comfortable sleep and rest of the future owner depend on this criterion. You should not save and give preference to cheap materials, otherwise your back will get tired and numb. The optimal filler for sofa cushions with the Puma mechanism is elastic polyurethane. It is it that is used by most bona fide furniture manufacturers. Polyurethane is also characterized by an optimal ratio of quality and price.
  2. Upholstery material. The most elegant look models made of leather. However, they cost an order of magnitude more expensive than options with fabric lining. It is not recommended to purchase a leather sofa also because it does not always fit harmoniously into the interior. When choosing the right product, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the room and the shades of the upholstery of other furniture installed in it.
  3. Frame material. The most reliable will be furniture made of plywood, particleboard, fiberboard. Any of the options presented is capable of serving its owner for a long time.

The standard models of couches with the Puma folding mechanism are appropriate to install in the bedroom due to the fact that they occupy a bit of space. Corner options will look better in the living room, as they visually seem more bulky. Direct types of products are also suitable for children's rooms, because they will save precious meters so that the child has room for games.

Puma sofas are also chosen for children because they are distinguished by high performance characteristics. Parents can be calm about the condition of the furniture even if the child plays and jumps on it. The Puma corner sofa will look great in the living room. It will comfortably accommodate a larger number of people, and it looks more presentable than direct-type structures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a popular model has its advantages and disadvantages. Its positive qualities include:

  1. The presence of wheels in the lower part, which eliminates damage to the flooring (next to the furniture of this type, you can even put a carpet with a long pile).
  2. A full-fledged berth: after the layout, a flat surface (without bevels, slopes) is formed.
  3. The presence of metal springs, giving the product increased wear resistance.
  4. The ability to withstand significant mechanical loads due to the fact that the pressure on the product is distributed evenly.
  5. Ease of use - sofas with the Puma mechanism can be easily transformed and take the desired shape in just one action.
  6. Compactness - direct models save space in the apartment, harmoniously fit even into miniature rooms.
  7. Long term of operation.
Castors at the bottomFull sleeperCompactnessHigh Load AbilityEase of operationLong service lifeIncreased wear resistance

Uncomplicated mechanism is able to serve for a long time. The mattress of the product does not change shape and does not sag due to the use of high quality materials during furniture production. A negative feature of the products is the lack of a box for bedding due to the fact that the space below is occupied by the second component of the bed. This minus does not apply to Puma corner sofas, which have an additional section on the side. Another design flaw is the low location of the exit niche. For this reason, before unfolding the mechanism, you will have to remove all unnecessary things from the floor (slippers, newspapers, toys).

Unfolding algorithm

Sofas with the Puma mechanism are popular among buyers due to the ease of use. The model unfolds in seconds. Sofa Transformation Mechanism:

  1. Pillows are removed from the seat.
  2. The handle located on the side of the seat is pulled over. In this case, the lower block extends, as if taking a step forward. In order to get a full berth, just lower the back to a horizontal position
  3. The extended part is mounted on legs or a special retractable support.

The hidden platform extends to the level with the seat, forming an even berth. The design is made of steel sheets and equipped with an independent spring system. This significantly reduces the possibility of wear of the product with regular use. A sofa folds down as easily as it understands: the backrest is tilted upright, and the seat block is pushed towards it with a sewn loop. As a result, the built-in mechanism lowers both platforms into place.

Features of corner models

Puma corner sofas are perfect for spacious rooms. This model is usually placed in living rooms or workrooms, as it accommodates a large number of people at the same time. If necessary, the structure is transformed into a spacious berth. The average life of the furniture in this series is 15 years.

The mechanism of Puma corner sofas is the same as that of conventional models and does not require much effort during operation. The stationary part, as a rule, remains stationary during the transformation of the product. A distinctive feature of the furniture of this series is the presence of linen boxes located in the ottoman.

Many people are looking for Pantograph corner sofa in online stores. The series under consideration is an improved version of the Eurobook, which is transformed in the same way as Puma. In another way, such a mechanism is called "walking".

Puma sofa is considered a universal type of furniture. The product mechanism is simple, but it is ideal for daily use. When choosing furniture, it is important to pay attention to its external and technical characteristics. A properly selected sofa will not only fit well into the interior, but will also save precious room meters.



Watch the video: Modern Sofas Online - Advantages of Buying a Custom Canadian Couch Video (October 2024).

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