Sihanoukville, Cambodia: what to see and how much it costs to rest

Sihanoukville (Cambodia) is a resort city located in the south of the country on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. It is here that there are some of the best beaches in Asia that attract tourists, comfortable hotels and restaurants with the most delicious Khmer cuisine. What to see in Sihanoukville, where to stay and what prices for room and board are the answers to frequently asked travelers in this article.

Hotels or private home - where to stay in Sihanoukville?

Cambodia is a country of low-cost vacation, so the prices for accommodation and food here are kept within reasonable limits. The cheapest hotels are located in densely populated areas, but there are also cheap hotels built on the shore. If the main criterion for choosing a home is proximity to the sea, first look at the detailed description of the beaches of Sihanoukville with a photo.

White beach hotel

For a double room in one of the guesthouses you will have to pay from $ 9, for relaxing in a three-star hotel on the shore of the Gulf of Thailand - from $ 26, and staying in a five-star hotel will cost at least $ 130 / day.

If you came to Sihanoukville for a long time, you want to save a couple of hundred dollars and enjoy all the delights of local life, rent a home from Cambodians. You can also settle in recreation centers with separate houses, the cost of which, in the presence of a kitchen, double bedroom, shower and air conditioning, is only $ 250 / month.

Remember! You should not settle in houses where there are no amenities that you need. Often the Khmers, although they promise to install the necessary stove or refrigerator in the next few days, do not do this throughout the rest.

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Sihanoukville Cuisine (Cambodia): Things to Eat

Holidays in Sihanoukville are not only inexpensive, but also delicious. A traditional breakfast in an outdoor cafe costs about $ 2-4 per person and includes an omelet with cheese, salad and baguette + a hot drink, or granola with yogurt and fruit.

Important! In Cambodian cafes, prices are indicated in three versions - for a small, medium and large portion. Before ordering more and more, find out the weight of the dish - so you can save your stomach from an extra kilogram of food.

For lunch, Cambodians cook soups, popular throughout Asia. Here, and the usual curry, and dumplings with vegetables, and meat from beef or pork. The cost of a hot plate is at least $ 3. An alternative to such a dinner can be a steak cooked on fire and french fries with sauce for only $ 5.

For those who yearn for European food, there are special establishments in Sihanoukville that serve pizza, spaghetti, seafood or meat with vegetables. A standard Pepperoni (500-600 grams) in a cafe on the shore of the Gulf of Thailand will cost you $ 5, and you can taste a portion of Italian pasta with salad for only $ 2-3.

Good to know! Eating in Sihanoukville is most beneficial in street cafes. The products we are used to are not grown in the country, but are bought from abroad, so the price of them is constantly growing.

Nom Ban Chok

For gourmet tourists who came to rest in Cambodia, we have compiled a list of national dishes that you definitely need to try:

  • Nom ban chok - rice noodles with fish curry sauce and herbs;
  • Kdam Chaa - fried crab with campotian pepper;
  • Amok - fish or meat with coconut milk and local herbs, prepared according to a special recipe;
  • Banana flower salad - delicious dessert.
Prices for drinks in Mianoukville

The cheapest alcohol in this resort is beer (50 cents for a 0.4 liter draft, $ 1 for 0.33 local and from two dollars for imported). A bottle of wine bought at a restaurant costs $ 12-18, for a glass of vodka, rum, tequila or whiskey you will be asked for $ 2, cocktail prices start at $ 3.

Fans of exotic and extreme sports should visit the central market - they sell tinctures on tarantulas and cobras, palm whiskey and other unusual drinks.

Save money! Almost all cafes located on the beaches have a "happy hours" promotion. This is a certain period of time (usually from 17 to 21), when all alcoholic beverages have a 25% or 50% discount.

Attractions Sihanoukville

Like any resort town, Sihanoukville is popular for its beaches. In case you get tired of the warm sunlight and small waves of the bay, we have prepared a list of attractions that are worth visiting.

Kbal Chhay Waterfall

At 16 kilometers from the city, at the foot of the mountain, is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Cambodia. Hundreds of travelers come here daily: someone wants to take beautiful photos from their holidays in Sihanoukville, someone wants to swim in the sacred water, and someone wants to see the wildlife.

Public transport does not go to the waterfall, you can only get here by taxi ($ 8) or a sightseeing bus. Entrance fee - $ 1.

Advice! Do not visit this attraction in the middle of the dry season, as at this time the water level drops and the waterfall loses its beauty.

Golden Lion

Golden lion statues are the main symbol of the city and the number one attraction on the list of what you need to see in Sihanoukville. They are located in a central area and are surrounded by many shops and restaurants. Can be used as a guide.

Buddhist temple Wat Leu (Wat Leu Temple)

The house of monks and a place of sacred power - the temple complex of Wat Leu is located on top of Mount Sihanoukville. This is the highest point of the province, therefore, in addition to old buildings decorated with unusual stucco moldings and statues of Buddha, here you can see the beauty of the whole city and coast. Be sure to bring water and food with you, as there are no shops in the complex.

Advice! Follow the behavior of the monkeys - these ever-hungry dexterous babies rarely come across theft, but often steal.

Ream National Park

Sihanoukville Central Park combines a green square, a zoo and a museum. Those who are tired of the scorching sun can enjoy the coolness in the shade of the trees or have a picnic on the grass. Those wishing to take a closer look at the wildlife of Cambodia can look at flamingos, butterflies, fish or monkeys living peacefully in the jungle. And those who prefer beautiful statues and water excursions can take a walk along the park paths or go on a boat trip.

Entrance to the park is free. Often near the main gate someone from the locals or representatives of travel agencies offers travelers to see all the attractions of the park on a scooter for $ 20 (the price includes lunch and a two-hour boat ride).

Wat Krom Temple

A Buddhist temple with ennobled territory is notable for its beauty and calm atmosphere. It is here that all the holidays of Sihanoukville are celebrated, the generals are awarded and buried, officials hold important events. Despite the small area of ​​the temple, on its territory there are more than 30 Buddha statues of different sizes, so photographers like this place so much. Here you can also look at the traditional life of the monks.

Phsar Leu Market

A real attraction, a paradise for lovers of budget shopping. The market, located in the center of Sihanoukville, is considered a place worth visiting for everyone who came here on vacation. Everything is sold here: from cosmetics and clothing to coffee and spices. Be sure to buy fruits and souvenirs here, since it is in this market that they are sold at the lowest prices in Cambodia.

Important! Feel free to bargain, and you can reduce planned expenses even by 30%.

Public transport

  1. Tuk tuk is the cheapest and most popular mode of transport in Cambodia. This is a small motorcycle or car designed for a maximum of 7 passengers. The fares are not fixed and depend on your ability to negotiate with the driver, but there is one persistent rule - you pay not for the number of people in the car, but for the trip as a whole.
  2. Another inexpensive and fastest mode of transport is a motorcycle taxi - motorbikes with a carriage, which accommodates 1-2 people. You can catch a free driver anywhere in Sihanoukville, especially a lot of them gather near the sights and markets.
  3. A taxi ride costs at least three dollars. Catching a free car on the street is quite difficult, so we recommend that you pre-book a car at the reception of the hotel.
  4. For those who are full of energy in Sihanoukville, they offer bicycle rental for only $ 4 per day. There is a faster mode of transport in the provinces - small scooters, which can cost $ 10 to rent.

Important! According to the laws of Cambodia, you can ride a bike or car in Sihanoukville (rent from 40 dollars / day) only if you have local rights.

The cheapest and most common way to move among the 100-thousand-strong population of the city is feet. If you pre-view a map of Sihanoukville and make a travel route, you can reach the main attractions on foot, as they are often located one or two kilometers from each other.

If you still don’t know how to get to Sihanoukville, check out this article.
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Weather in Sihanoukville

Planning a vacation in advance is the main rule of a traveler in countries with a tropical climate. In Cambodia, as in neighboring Asian countries, the weather is divided into two seasons: the first is rainy, lasts from May to October, the second is dry, from November to April.

The coldest month in Sihanoukville is September. At this time, the air temperature rises to + 30 ° C, which in combination with high humidity does not have the most beneficial effect on the body.

The best period for rest is winter and the beginning of spring, when a light breeze blows from the sea, it rains no more than once a week, and the air warms up to + 35 ° С.

Sihanoukville (Cambodia) is an interesting city that has great beaches, as well as places and attractions worth seeing. This is a great option for a family budget vacation and a must-have item on the gourmet traveler’s route. Have a good trip!

See the location of Sihanoukville sights and beaches on a map.

Watch the video: I left Battambang and life update from Sihanoukville (October 2024).

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