Dropshipping: what it is and where to start cooperation on the Dropshipping system - step-by-step instructions for beginners + verified suppliers for the online store

Hello dear readers of the Rich Pro business magazine! In this article, we will talk in detail about dropshipping: what it is, What is the principle of dropshipping cooperation in sales?how to find dropshipping suppliers for online store.

After reading this material you will learn:

  • What is dropshipping and how does it differ from related areas of Internet business;
  • What are the advantages of this sales system and what significant disadvantages are worth paying attention to;
  • What are the features of work on this system, what should be taken into account at the beginning and at the continuation of all work;
  • How and where to look for dropshipping suppliers for online stores in Russia and abroad;

Here you will also get a clear step-by-step instructions on starting a dropshipping business for beginners + a detailed description of all popular dropshipping companies.

So, we are starting!

What is dropshipping and where to start dropshipping cooperation, what suppliers work in Russia and the world according to this system, what goods they supply and on what terms - this publication is dedicated to this

1. What is dropshipping - definition, principle of operation + example

This term came to our speech from of English language. In the original, the word consists of two parts: drop and shippingthat in direct translation means "direct delivery".

This type of business can be implemented on the Internet for a novice entrepreneur without large financial investments. We have already talked about how to start your business from scratch in one of the previous articles.

Dropshipping is a trading system, the basis of which is sales through an online store, however, the owner of the trading platform does not purchase goods, but orders it directly from the manufacturer for the client’s money.

What business on the Internet can be opened and where to start, we wrote in a separate article.

1.1. Dropshipping workflow in simple and understandable words

This system has three entities and a trading platform:

  • The first subject is manufacturer. He can be anywhere in the world, egtraditionally the most popular (due to cheapness and variety of choices) Chinese factories and companies. He creates a product that will subsequently be sold.
  • The second subject is seller, outlet owner. He creates a working platform on the Internet, which he directly owns and manages, advertises it, generally - just sells a product created by the manufacturer.
  • The third subject is customer, buyer. The man, whose second subject, managed to interest the goods being sold.
  • The job site is directly outlet, i.e online store, a group in VKontakte, a site dedicated to one product. In short, any “place” on the Internet from which sales are made.

The principle of the dropshipping system (direct delivery)

A feature of dropshipping is that the customer gives the money to the seller, who, in turn, takes the goods that were not bought in advance from his warehouse, and for the buyer's money he independently places an order with the manufacturer of the goods.

This is the meaning of the term "direct delivery":the seller does not purchase the goods, but, if necessary, orders it from the manufacturer immediately to the customer's address. At the same time, the latter does not know where the goods are coming from (from the intermediary’s warehouse or directly from the manufacturer), he simply receives the ordered item by mail or by courier.

That is why it is believed that a business through a dropshipping system does not require large investments, since there is no need to make purchases of products from a supplier.

In fact, the seller is only intermediary, which organizes the contact of the buyer and the manufacturer. Moreover, in order to earn money, he adds a certain percentage of the cost of the product to the price, and when he places an order with the seller, he does not take it into account. That is, it takes a pre-wound part of the amount, and sends the rest to the manufacturer to place an order.

As a result, the earnings scheme looks like this:

  1. The client is interested in the goods that the intermediary advertised (the organizer of the business);
  2. The buyer transfers the money to the intermediary account, ordering the goods;
  3. The intermediary takes his predetermined percentage, and transfers the amount required by the manufacturer to the manufacturer (supplier) when placing the order;
  4. The supplier receives the order + the amount set by him and directly, without logos and other identification marks of his company, sends the ordered thing to the client.
  5. The client receives the order, not even knowing where the thing he bought came from - from the warehouse of the intermediary or from the manufacturer itself.

It is important to consider that the client wants to quickly order the goods he needs. The vast majority of the population does not have time to look for things for a long time on both Chinese and local sites. The buyer needs the goods with fast and accurate delivery, therefore, bring the customer to the purchase and eliminate all the problems that appear at the same time, and there is the task of dropshipping business. The buyer gives an additional percentage of the cost for this.

With such trading activities, the intermediary is in very profitable position. There is no danger that the money will be spent in vain by purchasing any product that will subsequently hang out in the warehouse for years without any demand.

The order is executed for money already paid by the client, which means risks for the intermediaryminimal.

The percentage that a dropshipping intermediary can earn varies within from 20 to 100%. With a proper flow of customers, this is quite tangible. Choosing a product is also quite simple - manufacturers are ready to provide any product, from toothbrushes, to high technology.

Often, beginning businessmen are interested in why manufacturers allow them to sell their products for an amount much higher than what they set and go for open cooperation in the dropshipping system. The fact is that a production enterprise, in order to stay afloat (or expand), must have constant flow of customers. The more of them, the better and the more famous the brand. Due to which it is possible to purchase more raw materials for the funds received, which means more to produce.

To summarize this idea, we can say that it is vital for the manufacturer to have a constant flow of customers, and for the intermediary, to find the largest possible customer audience. This provides a productive symbiosis of both subjects.

1.2. An example of selling a real product using the dropshipping system

For a better understanding, we give a simple example with a specific product. It will be about a talking hamster that is familiar to users of the social network VKontakte, which repeats a person’s speech. Funny fluffy toy with a little speech memory.

In this case, the circuit looks like this:

  1. The intermediary searches for the Chinese manufacturer, chooses a funny and, in his personal opinion, promising product, in this case hamster. We recommend that you use the Yandex keyword service to test product demand wordstat.yandex.ru.
  2. The intermediary thinks over and creates the necessary trading floors in the network, eg, makes a selling page or landing page (a one-page site on which the advantages and methods of buying a toy are painted), calculates the price - what percentage can be earned;
  3. Conducts an advertising campaign on social networks, looking for the right audience (as an option - parents of young children, adolescents, and so on);
  4. Finds buyers who want to get plush talking hamsters, gets money and takes their percentage;
  5. Plays orders at the addresses of the manufacturer in China, sending the starting price assigned to them;
  6. The manufacturer controls the delivery and responds to customer requests in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  7. As a result, the client receives a talking hamster, a manufacturer of buyers, an intermediary his percentage.

In this case, the success is short-lived, but "bright." Having sold a certain number of toys after a large-scale advertising campaign, an intermediary is unlikely to be able to do this with a hamster again in the same audience - she was fed up, the toy went out of very fast-changing fashion. Now the intermediary needs to look for another product or change the target audience.

If we are talking about a whole online store, and not about selling one thing on a landing, then the situation here will be longer. You will be able to constantly expand or change the range, therefore, the flow of customers will be constant, subject to a competent marketing company.

Advantages (+) and disadvantages (-) of the Dropshipping scheme

2. The main pros and cons of dropshipping

Any business has its own positive and negative moments. Dropshipping is no exception.

Let's start with the main advantages of (+) dropshipping:

  1. The main advantage in this system will be extremely useful for beginners - no need to look for impressive start-up capital, which subsequently is very scary to lose. You will have to spend some amount on creating a trading platform (online store, landing page) and advertising, however, this is not noticeable in comparison with the opening of an ordinary offline store with a warehouse, office, etc.
  2. Besides the fact that you do not need a large amount at first, you no need to purchase a warehouse for products, since direct delivery of goods is made to the customer from manufacturers.
  3. Also to you it is not necessary to open an office. It may be needed later, if successful, for personal reasons or for hiring staff.
  4. It is possible to request a profitable percentage, which will go to the organizer of the dropshipping business. The buyer will not be interested in checking where the goods come from. Often, consumers generally do not suspect that the thing they ordered just arrived from abroad or another part of Russia.

These benefits will indeed be significant for newcomers to the business.

Dropshipping - This is a great way to get the first experience in making a profit from an online store. Subsequently, you can expand into the familiar version of the trading platform with a warehouse and office, or you can develop in the dropshipping business.

There are several serious minuses (-) in the direct supply system:

  1. It is very difficult to understand whether a quality product will come to a customer or not. It all depends on the manufacturer, who may immediately turn out to be a bad partner in the business or “spoil” after a couple of dozen deliveries for an unknown reason. Moreoverreputation for the owner of the trading floor is very important.
  2. As with any popular business, especially on the Internet, there is a lot of competition. The simplicity of the scheme allows you to quickly master it and successfully earn money, luring customers from each other.

The negative aspects of dropshipping are also significant, so when considering a business in this area, carefully weigh all the pros and cons regarding your situation. For visual perception, we draw conclusions regarding the advantages and disadvantages of a business using the dropshipping system compared to a regular offline business in the table below.

Comparison table of dropshipping and standard offline business:

Criteria for evaluationDirect deliveriesThe usual scheme
The need for large investmentsNot needed (+)Required to purchase goods (-)
StockProducts are sent immediately to the customer, they do not need to be stored anywhere (+)Required for purchased items (-)
The quality of the goods soldEvaluate and control will not work (-)Easy but somewhat expensive to control (+)
OfficeIf you have a desire or a personal need to contain it (+)Required (-)
% arrivedYou can set a sufficiently large percentage (+)Product Dependent (±)
Market competitionHuge (-)Huge (-)

Items highlighted in red, which can be attributed to shortcomings or difficulties, therefore, they need to be addressed Special attention.

In fact, to decide whether it will be easy for you to cope with all the features of dropshipping, you can only analyze the information independently. If you feel in yourself the strength to cope, feel free to study the material further.

3. Features and nuances of the dropshipping system

Next, we will pay attention to very important nuances that will point out the pitfalls of the dropshipping business.

Nuance No. 1. Starting financial investments: are they needed?

That dropshipping does not require seed capital is not entirely true. Yes, the intermediary does not need to immediately look for a lot of money for the purchase of goods, the organization of space for its storage and the creation of an office, but you still have to invest a certain amount. We already talked about where to get money for a business in one of the previous articles.

The first few orders, you may be able to get without spending a dime, but the constant flow of customers who are willing to pay money for your products - this is the result of a well-designed and naturally paid advertising campaign as part of a sensible marketing strategy. Without this, a decent income in dropshipping will not work.

It is also important to consider that you have to spend money on creating the trading platform itself, for example online store. Creating a site and its content costs decent money.

By the way, it is very important to fully describe the advantages of the product, take high-quality photos of the products, so that the buyer can get acquainted with it more closely and “catch on”. This is especially true for decor items, clothes, jewelry, and so on.

Nuance No. 2. Reliability of the model and transparency of the dropshipping scheme

The system of direct deliveries of goods to the client is popular because it is quite reliable. Pioneers in this model of doing business have already extracted and demonstrated the main mistakes and problems, therefore, the successful functioning of such trading platforms is quite justified.

We said earlier that customers not required know where they get the goods from - across intermediary or directly from the manufacturer. However, even if the buyer is aware of this, he may well trust such purchases, as the experience of trading platforms shows. Ozon orYulmart 24.

Moreover, such a product can be even more beneficial for the customer, since he knows for sure that the item he ordered did not lie in your warehouse for decades, did not go bad. In addition, such a model for the sale of goods can have a really wider and more varied assortment, as well as maintain prices that are loyal to customers.

Nuance No. 3. Competition and cost of goods

A fly in the ointment in dropshipping is competition. Experienced people in this field are well aware that many people want to do this.

Large dropshipping companies greatly reduce the price, dump, gaining profit by increasing the number of their sales, which also reduces the financial profitability of this area. In addition, there are many unscrupulous suppliers who spoil the reputation of this business. All this no doubt must be taken into account.

It is worth understanding the main thing, simply due to the low price you can’t successfully sell a lot of goods. Important competently advertise a product, convince consumers, influence them through various promotions or discounts, special conditions and other marketing programs.

It will be relevant to work immediately with several manufacturing partners in dropshipping - this will help to ensure the constant availability of an assortment of goods on websites, which means it will smoothly sell goods to customers.

Nuance No. 4. Delivery terms

When choosing a supplier, it is worth considering that delivery from china - often nervous and unreliable business. for example, it is not uncommon for situations when ordering an item, you promise your buyer that he will have it within two weeks, and as a result, the package goes more than a month. The resentment of the client in this case is provided. In more detail about the business with China on resale without investments, we wrote in the last issue of the magazine.

To look at the product (it is advisable to do this before the sale), you can not buy it, but try to negotiate with the supplier. Often manufacturers go to a meeting and send test sample. This is a convenient and free way to get acquainted with the product, take a photo, organize a detailed presentation of it. If not, then the supplier can request full information about the product and its benefits.

By themselves, suppliers and dropshipping sites place a lot of orders every day, so often there are errors in the delivery of orders.

If you choose a solid company, and there they messed up something, and you can prove their guilt, then the amount of the order will be reimbursed to you. However, it also happens that suppliers disappear, are not willing to respond to your claims (do not be scared, you just need to carefully select a platform for dropshipping).

Even if the money is not returned to you, the client should not suffer from this. We already mentioned that reputation in such a business is very important, therefore it is better to lose a small amount, but not to drown your business.

In general, the sphere of earning on the Internet is, first of all, the greatest attention to the client and the satisfaction of all his needs. Only in this way can you achieve solid success.

To summarize and derive the general formula for success in dropshipping:

  • Quality advertising company;
  • Customer interests should be prioritized;
  • Original and competent marketing;
  • Creative approach to the sale, lack of banal offers.

Despite the great competition and the described difficulties, it is possible and necessary to work and open a new business in the dropshipping system. It’s just that success can come later, when you find a product in demand and the target audience. However, you should not immediately give up or give up your venture, without even starting it - the start is always difficult, but to achieve the result with your labor, creativity and head, you can only show perseverance.

Where to start dropshipping cooperation - a detailed guide for beginners

4. How to start cooperation on the system of dropshipping - a step-by-step instruction on starting a business for beginners

In this section we give 7 simple steps with a detailed description, with which you can begin to realize yourself in the dropshipping system. Do not skip or skip - all actions without exception are important.

Step number 1. Acquaintance with the market and search for suitable industry (niche)

First of all, pay attention to most famous trading floors. Examine their system of work, as their experience can be valuable to you. To do this, you can buy some little thing there or just chat with technical support as a client.

Examine their offers and try to highlight the most popular and best-selling products. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell them as well.

You can try to find a niche that is not yet represented. at all or poorly marketed. If you work correctly on this in terms of marketing, then you can very well promote only the goods that have appeared.

Take your time to quit looking for a promising product. If suddenly it seemed that there was no way to come up with something new, do not despair. So many new products are produced in the world every year that you are sure to find something unusual just for your idea.

In order to simplify your search for suitable products, you can choose the area in which you are well versed. It’s great if you are involved in your product and can tell a lot about it. This will help with the promotion.

Even if you take a product that is already well represented on other popular resources, but you know much more about it and can even present its shortcomings as advantages, feel free to convert your knowledge into profits.

Step number 2. Creating a trading platform - online store

One of the most important things you should do is to get a convenient trading platform. Usually this online store. Convenient site with which you can safely describe the product and present it to the consumer.

If you decide to create an online store yourself, we advise you to read our article “How to open an online store - step-by-step instructions”, where we talked about launching, promoting and promoting it online from a complete zero. You will also be interested in the article "How to create your own site for free" with a detailed guide for beginners.

It doesn’t matter if you make it your own mind or contact the specialists who will create it and sell it to you (and this is approximately 300 dollars for more or less quality work), the main thingso that you quickly learn how to manage your resource. You will have to work with him anyway.

note the fact that consumers are most often quite inefficient when buying goods and services, since they do not have accurate comprehensive information about all online stores. That is, they have to choose, roughly speaking, "heart".

People look at beautiful and attractive designs. Moreover, the more expensive (respectable) this or that resource looks, the more money, and therefore guarantees, it seems to them, its owner is ready to invest in his business.

In addition, convenient operation is important. The consumer will always prefer a store in which the desired thing immediately caught his eye, and he would not have to spend an extra hour, eg, in search of a certain color of goods. In general, the less problems and difficulties a consumer sees, the greater the likelihood that he will buy something from you.

It is important to consider the target audience of your product. If simpler, it's silly to sell warm socks in the hot sun. Think about which region you are going to trade in, which will be interesting to its residents. Consider the age of consumers, adjust the descriptions and the variety of products for it.

for exampleIf you decide to sell umbrellas for young people, do not look black and boring, even if you find them very reliable. It will be much better to sell funny, artsy, original umbrellas of different colors (at this age everyone wants to seem so). They should not be expensive and can break every season so that you can "update your wardrobe" according to the latest fashion trends.

Step number 3. Testing a selected niche

Even if it seems to you that your idea is ingenious, this may not be entirely true. Or even not at all. To do this, you need to test to check whether your product will be sold and how well it will happen.

It sounds harder than it sounds. In fact, you need to find out how the consumer relates to the product you choose, how much the audience is interested in buying these things. It’s a good idea to check how many times people "ask" search engines about the product and its components with which you work. This can be done, as mentioned earlier, using the Yandex service for working with keywordswordstat.yandex.ru.

Do not rush to quit what you started if it turned out that the product is not very popular and has a negative color. This can be completely corrected by a competent advertising company, non-standard marketing steps, which may well change the attitude of consumers.

The search (study of conditions) and the selection of a reliable supplier working on the dropshipping system is one of the most important steps

Step number 4. Search and selection of suppliers

The most important part of the dropshipping business is in choise reliable (reliable) supplier. We have already talked a lot about those "nasty things" that they can put at the most inconvenient moment, disappoint the client and deprive you of money.

Before you start working with suppliers from Russia and China, we recommend that you read the reviews of customers and partners (other intermediaries).

It is better to get to know all the unexpected things at once and be prepared for them than to get the whole bunch of problems as a result, and completely unexpectedly.

Chinese suppliers worth paying attention to:

  • chinavasion.com;
  • osell.com;
  • dx.com;
  • dhgate.com.

Wholesale site options (the so-called aggregators of dropshipping suppliers), on which there are both Russian and foreign manufacturers:

  • Optlist.ru;
  • Aplix.ru;
  • Supl.biz.

If you are interested in small purchases, then it’s a good idea to pay attention to the following retail suppliers:

  • Alibaba;
  • Aliexpress;
  • Taobao;
  • Dinodirect
  • Tmart;

Carefully choose a supplier and be sure to ask about guarantees on the obligatory delivery of goods upon purchase. It will also be useful to find out if the supplier provides intermediary money protection.

Step number 5. Negotiations and contracting with suppliers

Conversation - This is a chance to verify the integrity of the supplier. Negotiations are always necessary: ​​it does not matter whether you are conducting a one-time transaction or are focused on long-term deliveries.

The fact is that you can be fooled quite easily if you do not find out in advance how reliable the company is. This is common, so you should always be very attentive! Especially when it comes to foreign countries, especially when it comes to China!

A very good idea in working with foreign suppliers would beuse the services of a professional translator. Of course, it will be easier to communicate with Russian suppliers in their native language, but their products are also much more expensive.

Discuss all your conditions and floating moments, do not hesitate and do not crush, demand all the necessary documentation directly.

It is very important to discuss the actions of the supplier if the contract is not fulfilled. Clearly stipulate each point of this moment in order to know exactly what exactly you were promised. Check the legal side, request information on the registration of the enterprise, check whether there really are people and addresses to which the interlocutor refers.

Pay attention to the most common problems and pitfalls with suppliers:

  • One-day firmscreated literally the day before the contract with you. Their goal is to pick up the money of your customers and disappear without fulfilling their obligations.
  • The situation may get out of control in terms of product quality. That is, an excellent thing will be sent or described to you, and it will not be clear to your customers that it will be of terrible quality;
  • Cheating. The goal can be a fraudulent way to find out your passwords, details and details of electronic wallets for hacking and so on.

In order to be confident in your supplier, you need to conduct a series of checks and request some documents that will prove his desire to work efficiently and productively:

  1. Find out the real address of the company and find out if it really is there;
  2. Find out how much a domain exists, if less than a month-six months, then do not contact an unverified customer;
  3. Carefully review and study the company's website, the better it will be, the more trust you can provide to such suppliers;
  4. Communicate with company representatives by phone or online, ask about the advantages and features of their activities (if we are talking about the Chinese, you can try your luck using the English language or contact a professional translator).
  5. Request a scan of a copy of title and registration documents.

Take your time, go to the selection of suppliers carefullyso you don’t bite your elbows and don’t count the lost money.

Step number 6. Official business registration

Registration of an LLC is quite simple and requires no explanation. It is obligatory to carry out such a procedure with the dropshipping business when:

  • You plan to subsequently expand and open a large trading floor;
  • If you intend to organize an office in real life at a specific address;
  • Your suppliers require official company registration documents.

In other cases, you can register an IP (How to get an IP we described in a separate article). Especially when it comes to simple, one-page sites that advertise a single product. However, if you want, you can do this at any time without much difficulty.

Step number 7. Market promotion

The final step towards a successful business will be to promote your online store online. There is a whole series of tools for this.

Here are just a few of them:

  • Search engine SEO promotion + work with the semantic core of the resource. Special firms or freelancers are engaged in this.
  • Contextual advertising (What is it and how to assemble a semantic core for contextual advertising, read the article);
  • A powerful marketing tool will be promotion on social networks. Today, the majority of the population is registered there, which means that you will definitely find your circle of consumers. Here, by the way, you can also open a small online store and promote it.;
  • You can use other resources, for example, popular forums and other resources with a large concentration of Internet visitors;
  • Such trading platforms as Yandex.Market, etc., can help you.

All these and many other tools to promote your resources will require either money or a lot of time and painstaking work. At the same time, it is worthwhile to understand that most of the sales will depend on it from promotion, that is, from how many people will visit your store.

Of course the rest eg, design or quality of goods is also important, but at the same time, if the client simply does not find your resource in the variety of Internet portals, all this will be pointless.

5. How to find dropshipping suppliers for an online store - practical tips

You have already received general information on this topic, now it’s worth talking in more detail about the search for suppliers. There are whole lists of people who want to work with sellers through the dropshipping system. They are paid and free. We will not talk about paid ones, as we are analyzing a business model for beginners with minimal investment.

Free listings can be found in groups on VKontakte, on special forums, or simply by accessing information in search engines.

Take note! Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that for the most part suppliers are far from advertising, so you can quite stumble on good options outside the first page of the search. Do not hurry, study as many offers as possible and choose the most profitable one.

You can also realize your desires with the help of already promoted Russian sites, this Yulmart 24 - here you can find almost any goods from small things for the home to serious equipment, expensive objects. The second option, if you want to do things, then Neotech - An excellent multifaceted option for the purchase of any clothing.

Two working circuits in dropshipping

It is most likely that you will work with the provider on just one of these methods:

  • Scheme one. You take money from the client, place an order and give the supplier only the amount that is set for the goods. That is, you take away your interest yourself, without transferring it to the supplier;
  • Scheme two. In the second option, you find a client, he pays money to the supplier and sends the goods, and your interest is transferred to you. In this case, the situation for the seller of course more risky, after all, an unscrupulous manufacturer can appropriate his earnings. However, if we are talking about a reputable manufacturer, it is much more profitable to have a staff of good sellers who will make good sales to him, then you can boldly agree to this scheme. If he does not transfer money to one executor, few will agree to work with him further.

The scheme is most often chosen by the supplier, however, you may well enter your own corrections. You can also take the initiative and find a manufacturer in your region and conclude an agreement with him. A good option if you want to have a maximum of guarantees.

Do not be afraid to write to different companies. Do not think that you are imposing them or interfering with earning. The vast majority of all manufacturers are interested in cooperating with you. The wider the sales network they will use, the more profits there will be. This is important for every manufacturer.

A not very correct, but rather effective way to find a good supplier is to find out who competitors are successfully working with and entice to your side. Usually they just put more favorable conditions for this.

It’s up to you to decide how to choose a supplier; the main thing is that you carefully check all the details and their integrity. You can also turn to platforms that will help you with the selection of suppliers and promotion of goods, for example, www.apishops.com.

Overview of the largest dropshipping suppliers for online stores

6. Dropshipping suppliers for an online store - an overview of the TOP-18 of the best foreign and Russian companies

We have repeatedly talked about the importance of choosing the right suppliers, discussed the nuances of this process, uncovered pitfalls, and so on. Now it's time to finally take a look at what the most popular options are on the net. Do not rush to choose the first one you like, study them all.

It is important from the very beginning to understand at least schematically in the entire market, and after that you should choose what suits you, not forgetting that the choice is really great.

We will analyze the largest suppliers in more detail.

6.1. Foreign dropshipping companies and suppliers - TOP-10


The full name is Dealextreme.com. This is a very diverse resource, on which there are many goods of different varieties. Here you can find everything: from small household tools and clothes to computer parts and cosmetics. This trading floor is Chinese.

Exist 2 options work with this site, which he offers to every seller.

Option 1. If you need to make one order, then follow the following diagram:

  1. Create an order by adding the desired product to the basket;
  2. Click the type of order corresponding to your activity, in our case it’s Dropship Shipping Service;
  3. Then a graph appears in which you need to add the client address;
  4. Pay for ordered items. As soon as you are finished and the order is placed, the company employees collect the order and send it to your client.

Option 2. The following scheme is perfect for working on an ongoing basis:

  1. You need to download a specially prepared catalog for this from the resource Dx dropship, post it with unique descriptions on your trading platform;
  2. Actively sell added products;
  3. When you receive orders, write in a specially prepared form (csv file) and upload it to the site;
  4. Make the payment and your orders will be packaged and delivered to customers.

The scheme of working with this service has already been worked out by many sellers, so you can safely cooperate with this company.


This supplier offers dropshipping partners a wide selection of products. This includes a variety of gadgets, tools, office supplies and even clothing.

Act with this organization as follows:

  1. The first step is to register on the portal;
  2. Then you study the assortment, and add what you choose to the basket;
  3. Next you need to find and press the button Drop Shipping;
  4. In the windows that appear, enter the address or delivery address and transfer the money.

After that, the goods will be packaged and sent to your customers. An important point will be that no supplier company logo will be indicated, so that the client will not find out where the products are actually delivered from.

Also with this platform you can count on some advantages:

  1. You can count on the fact that you will be provided with photos without watermarks, which is important for filling the resource;
  2. Dropshipping orders are formed by the supplier in the first place;
  3. It does not matter how much you ordered the goods, the portal has a discount for dropshipping suppliers;
  4. There is a cumulative discount for regular customers.

In general, an interesting and reliable resource with a bias in sales in the dropshipping system.


This trading platform also has a wide selection of products. Here you can find clothes, garden supplies, things with electronic parts, many other related products.

The procedure for ordering goods on the portal is quite standard and has three actions:

  1. Register
  2. Place an order, picking up the goods as you wish;
  3. Write the address where you want to send the goods and pay for it.

The peculiarity is that the company double-checks the payment details one more time. Also, for more fruitful cooperation and providing the intermediary with favorable conditions, here they provide photos without identification marks.

In addition, the intermediary can be sure that the consumer does not recognize any identification marks of the trading platform or the primary price.

An interesting feature is the ability to get category memberships. VIP. Here you can count on more favorable conditions for cooperation.


At this site there is a rather expensive product, on which you can put on top a good percentage. This includes tablets, consumer electronics, phones, watches, jewelry, everything for the home and so on.

The algorithm of your actions should be as follows:

  1. Traditional registration on the portal;
  2. Next, you need to go into the created personal account and select the section labeled "dropshipping";
  3. We select the necessary goods;
  4. Then again we indicate the addresses of customers and make a payment.

Everything, the goods are sent to your customers.

Of the interesting features for dropshipping partners will be the availability of service Download center. Here you can download any photos of goods without identification (watermark) signs of the resource and detailed descriptions for them.

In addition, integration through the API will be an interesting feature, which will allow you to always know what the supplier has in stock. So it’s very convenient to manage your orders.


Chinese site, which has about 100 thousand goods of a different nature. You can really find almost everything here. The advantages of this resource are also a small price for delivery and good customer support.

The dropshipping order is processed as follows:

  1. Registration on the portal should take place taking into account direct deliveries;
  2. It is important to confirm your registration via email. In addition to authorization, this will give a favorable discount in percent, which will make purchases more profitable. Among other things, this discount will increase with the number of your orders;
  3. Select an item and confirm it with the "Drop Shipping" button;
  4. Write customer addresses and transfer money for goods.

If you decide to create a large order, you can fill out a special form so as not to fool your head with small forms.

For beginners, it will be important that there is no minimum barrier to ordering. Pretty impressive discount possible 3 to 10 percent, depending on which item you select.

A guarantee for various products will also be pleasant. The term depends on their type. Also, the trading platform can replace defective goods, which is also important.


This marketplace offers intermediaries electronics. Here more 30 thousand related items. There are flash drives, small flashlights, solid laptops, and so on.

To start working with this provider, you must do the following:

  1. We are registering on the site;
  2. We place the basket everything that interests you;
  3. Next, you need to find the option "Send the order by direct delivery" and click on it, write the addresses to which the goods should be delivered;
  4. Pay for selected items.

If you want to immediately order a lot of different products, you should request a special form. After, on its basis, the site itself will issue all the orders, you just have to transfer the money. This is convenient if you really have many different orders.

Also, the trading platform offers a good discount for direct delivery intermediaries - 10% In addition, you can track your orders, which is sometimes really important. You can also accumulate a decent discount and become a VIP client of the resource.


This resource is not similar to the previous options. He provides list of manufacturerswho work on a wholesale basis on the Internet. Among them you can find dropshipping suppliers.

Significantly help in choosing the presence of comments and reviews for each manufacturer. This creates a certain image for the supplier and the intermediary can already count on productive cooperation.


You have probably heard about this resource. It is the same as the previous portal, however, its direction is not large, but rather small wholesale, which makes cooperation with it convenient for novice entrepreneurs.

Here it is quite possible to find a good manufacturer at quite loyal prices.


This site provides a choice beauty products. This includes items for manicure, hairstyles, jewelry and all in the same spirit.

The advantage is that there is no minimum order amount. The cargo is delivered without any restrictions all over the planet.

This trading platform provides the following conditions for cooperation based on dropshipping:

  • You will be given the necessary photos and product information;
  • Convenient and comprehensive delivery;
  • No identification marks on the delivered goods;
  • No information about the wholesale cost;
  • The mediator is the only one who affects the size of his percentage.

To start cooperation, follow the standard set of actions:

  1. To start, register and post the information received from the service about your products on your trading platform;
  2. When an order appears, place it on the site;
  3. Mention that this is a dropshipping order;
  4. Write down the addresses of those who need to deliver the products and list the amount necessary to pay for the order.

Immediately after all the actions are completed, work will begin on the assembly, packaging and delivery of goods.


This resource has electronic products of various formats. This includes mobile phones and all accessories, cameras, etc.

Direct delivery of goods to the client is arranged here as follows:

  • We are registered;
  • We send the necessary things to the basket;
  • We note that the dropshipping service is needed;
  • We transfer funds for products.

After that, the order is accepted, and work begins on the delivery of goods to your customers. The resource provides all the materials for sale that you need, so there will be no problems with advertising.

Overview of the best Russian dropshipping suppliers for the online store

6.2. Dropshipping suppliers for an online store in Russia - TOP-8

Now we find out which Russian suppliers for online stores, first of all, are worthy of the attention and trust of intermediaries in the dropshipping system.


This Russian marketplace provides a wide selection of clothing. The system works according to the model of dropshipping and provides everything necessary for advertising goods in the online store of an intermediary. At the same time, the company does not affect your margins in any way - you determine this yourself.

To start working with the resource, you just need to fill out the appropriate form. Further, representatives of the site will contact you, and it will be possible to negotiate.

You will be able to order various batches of goods, you will also need 20 percentage prepayment when creating an order.


One of the largest suppliers of stylish branded shoes and clothes. Directly delivers goods from large eminent factories. Actively working in the dropshipping system.

On the site you can explore catalog for bulk purchases and find out the appropriate prices. After that, you need to sell goods and as soon as the first orders pass, pay for goods on the trading floor. After that, it will be sent to the necessary addresses.

To start the interaction, you need to make a trial purchase. This is done in order to work out the algorithm of actions well. All the necessary data regarding the goods can be easily obtained from the supplier.


This site represents a huge selection of goods for sale through the dropshipping system. Here you can order watches, children's goods, toys, clothes or accessories, glasses, electronic devices, etc.

It is important to fill out the feedback form first in order for you to be sent a price list that will indicate prices not today.

The cooperation scheme is as follows:

  1. You provide managers of the trading platform with a framed, verified and paid order for your client;
  2. Transfer money;
  3. The supplier sends all the necessary goods to the specified addresses.

You can work with the trading platform on the following conditions:

  • You can arrange delivery to the customer of only one order;
  • The Dropshipping program commission is fixed;
  • After placing the order, delivery will begin at most after 12 hours.

These are convenient conditions for quick cooperation.


This supplier specializes in intimate products for an adult audience.

The site assumes obligations:

  • Communication with the client on behalf of your online store;
  • It independently receives all the necessary confirmations, including payment;
  • Packaging and competent picking of goods;
  • Prepares all the necessary papers;
  • Take the required amount from the client;
  • Deliver on time on time;
  • It transfers your interest to your accounts.

A convenient option for those who have no time to always sit online and independently negotiate with customers.


This company is a manufacturer of textile goods, that is, fabrics, bedding and all in the same spirit. It prides itself on excellent quality and a wide range of diverse products.

There is a special offer for the dropshipping business model:

  • All data on goods in electronic format will be available to you;
  • Updating products is ongoing, so you can please customers with new products;
  • You will always know what is in stock and what is not;
  • You can always contact the manager and clarify the necessary information.

Also, in cooperation with this store you will be provided with a number of advantages. This includes the ability to buy one product, the ability to quickly deliver goods to more than 350 settlements and, importantly, the shipment of goods on the day of placing the order.

6) "MEGA-M"

This company sells electronic products, phones, tablets and other accessories to them. He willingly works on the dropshipping system.

You can work with this trading platform only on condition that the platform receives money from the client, and the percentage is transferred to the intermediary after placing the order. And at your choice, it can be once a month or after each transaction.


This marketplace presents a wide selection of different furniture products. Presented here are about 150 various Russian suppliers.

Actively promotes its products through dropshipping. Moreover, the portal has conditions - it does not provide information in a convenient YML format and cooperates with only those resources where attendance is not less 1000 users / day.

At the same time, the supplier has a number of significant advantages:

  • A large assortment in which it is difficult not to choose something suitable;
  • Excellent delivery thanks to our own logistics and experienced workers who unload the furniture from the client and assemble it; (About logistics - what it is and what functions it performs, read the article here)
  • Solves various problems regarding complaints after the sale of products;
  • Will refund money for defective and defective products or replace it.

A good choice for large online stores that want to increase their sales.


This resource provides furniture for various tasks from 100 Russian manufacturers. Commission fee is changingfrom 10 to 20% depending on the product. You can automatically upload to your resource all product descriptions, which will simplify the work.

Delivery, climb to floors and assembly is carried out by company representatives. The intermediary receives money only after the end of a certain reporting period for already fully completed orders.

This is a fairly large company operating since 2008 and processing about two hundred orders per day. Products are delivered very quickly, literally during the day.

7. Frequently Asked Questions about Dropshipping

Below we will highlight those questions that are most often asked by beginners and entrepreneurs who start working with a dropshipping model.

Question 1. What products are most in demand?

People are different, and therefore the goods that they need and like are completely different. At the same time, there are several positions that everyone prefers to have, which means that such products are in greatest demand:

  1. Various gadgets and electronics. This includes phones, tablets, laptops, and so on. This is a pasture product for intermediaries, since in China these products are much cheaper (due to the fact that they are produced directly in China) and you can charge a mark-up on sales25-30%.
  2. Personal care products. Both women and men are constantly in need of certain means for the body, cosmetics and other trifles. This product is in high and stable demand, but there is quite a lot of competition in this area.
  3. Today's healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) popularized related products. Very relevant now trade in electronic cigarettes and related products. Moreover, there is constantly something to change and buy;
  4. Clothes, shoes of various shapes and sizes also constantly at the peak of popularity. At the same time, if you work with China, do not forgetthat their sizes are different from Russian.

In addition to these four most popular areas, you can search for original goods (both for single-page users and for large IMs), which will be new to the buyer, which will ensure a high level of sales.

Question 2. Is it possible to work on the system of dropshipping in social networks?

This is a very real option that works great in popular social networks. You just need to create a specific group with which you will advertise the product by posting relevant information. However, in this case, you will not have to receive orders, but simple messages in PM. By the way, we already wrote about earnings in social networks in one of our publications.

There are two nuances:

  • Difficulty transferring money - you have to look for other methods and resources, egInternet wallets;
  • Convenient in terms of audience. In social networks there are many people who at this moment do nothing and easily perceive advertising.

Also, the advantage is that you will not need to create your own website, which means you will learn programming or pay money for it.

Question 3. What is the best dropshipping platform?

Here is a list of the most popular dropshipping platforms:

  • OShell
  • Terides;
  • Opentao
  • COM
  • PARTNER Dropshipping;
  • RusDropshipping.

When choosing any, read the reviews and comments of those who are already working with these sites in order to choose the most reliable and time-tested.

Question 4. What feedback on cooperation in dropshipping can be heard

In addition to positive reviews, there are also negative ones on the Internet. This is more likely due to the widespread belief that business from scratch does not exist.

This is a rather rash opinion, as:

  • There are paid platformsthat can be implemented as a "boxed" model, and work on the cloud. To acquire such or not you decide, but these are special cases, depending on the desire of the person himself, therefore they should not affect the general opinion;
  • The commission is not paid by the supplier. There are cases of fraud in any business and dropshipping is no exception. However, the vast majority of the manufacturer is not profitable, since the more customers he has, the more he earns;
  • Trading platforms offer irrelevant goods. It also happens that delivery is refused and money is not returned. However, all this happens quite rarely.

As in any business, in dropshipping can not be only good luck. It is possible to limit yourself and your business from losses as much as possible only by carefully studying each proposal and all its nuances.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic

Online business is quite really. The dropshipping system is perfect just for beginners who are not ready to invest significant amounts in not yet clear ways to make money on the Internet.

Dropshipping - This is not a strange foreign word that hides a certain deception, it is a proven model for making good money that you can subsequently reinvest (invest) in your own business and ultimately organize a ramified and highly profitable business.

To do this, you will have to study the possibilities of marketing and advertising on the Internet, deal with different types of Internet resources, and you may even be deceived (and more than once)fail or catch her tail before you succeed, but it will bring a really decent level of income and a desired lifestyle.

Do not be afraid and do not leave it for later - rather, to the point!

In conclusion, we recommend watching the video “What is dropshipping, how does it work and where to look for suppliers?”:

Dear readers of the magazine Rich Pro, if you have thoughts (opinions and comments) on the topic of publication or experience in doing business on the dropshipping system, leave your comments and feedback on the article below. Thank you in advance!

Watch the video: Small Business Ideas: How to Start an Online T-Shirt Business (October 2024).

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