Basic rules for the care of climbing roses and instructions for growing

The rose is considered to be the queen of the garden, moreover, as befits an aristocratic person, very demanding of the conditions in which she is. But in fact, observing the basic rules of care is enough to make the rose bush feel comfortable and captivate with luxurious bloom from year to year.

This article will tell you why it is necessary to observe the conditions for caring for the plant, how to care for it, what kind of pot you need to plant, how to plant a flower and in what soil, how to water, feed, transplant, trim and tie, what temperature and lighting are needed, as well as what can turn around mistakes in the care of climbing roses.

Why is it important to keep it right?

The splendor of flowering and the general decorativeness of the plant depend on careful observance of all requirements for the care of the climbing rose. Timely, correctly carried out pruning will not allow branches to grow into the bush. Leaving only those shoots whose eyes are located on the outside, the gardener can easily give the plant a beautiful shape.

Reference! Compliance with irrigation and dressing will help to avoid damage to the rose bush by diseases and pests.

Content Features

A climbing rose cannot be called a compact plant. Due to its size, it, unlike other varieties, requires garter, regular pruning in order to form a bush and a sufficiently large area for organizing shelters for the winter.

How to care?

Depending on the season

Gray rot that appeared after wintering indicates. It is necessary to cut the damaged branches to a healthy tissue and sprinkle the core of the bush with wood ash abundantly. It is better not to pick up the bushy bushes in the spring after opening, because they can dry in the spring sun. You need to give them a rest, leaving them to lie on the ground for a couple of weeks. After opening, the rose needs to be cut.

Remove secluded shoots that are frozen in winter. In spring, the ground in which the rose grows needs to be thoroughly loosened and dug in order to restore air exchange. Digging will also allow you to get rid of weeds, the neighborhood with which the rose can not stand. In summer, preventive irrigation of the climbing rose from the invasion of parasites must be carried out. With the onset of autumn, rose bushes shelter for the winter.

From flowering plants

So that the flowering does not keep itself waiting, it is necessary to conduct spring pruning in time and treat the rose with copper sulfate, preventing infection with diseases and pests.

During flowering, do not treat the rose with chemicals. A suitable time for treatment is mid-summer, when the flowering either ends or, depending on the variety, there is a pause. If the variety of roses involves one flowering, then at the end of it, it is necessary to remove dried buds.

If roses bloom repeatedly, then buds cannot be removed - this will provoke the growth of buds and the appearance of young shoots that do not have time to get stronger before frost and freeze. At the end of flowering, frequent watering and loosening of the rose bush is stopped. This is done to prepare the plant for winter.

Step-by-step instruction for growing for beginners

First steps after purchase

In stores, you can buy seedlings in two versions - with open and closed root system.

  1. A rose with a closed root system must be carefully removed from the pot with an earthen lump and planted in a selected place.
  2. In seedlings with an open root system, it is necessary to remove the film and place them in water. If there are buds or shoots below the vaccination site, they must be removed, and also deal with wild shoots. Too long shoots can be pinched by treating the cut points with charcoal or activated carbon.
  3. In water, the roots need to be held for three to four hours, so that the plant is saturated with moisture, and the transport soil is softened. This will allow you to easily remove it and evaluate the state of the root system.
  4. After the allotted time, the rose needs to be removed from the water, gently spread the roots and place the seedling in the prepared hole, sprinkle with soil and pour plenty of water.
  5. After the water is absorbed, you can pour more earth.
  6. So that the bright spring sun does not burn the young plant, it must be covered with a light cloth and leave a protective coating for a week.

Pot search

If desired, the rose can be decorated in the form of a lush bush or a standard tree planted in a pot or flowerpot. The capacity for planting a rose should be deep, the size of the root system, but not less than 60 cm and a diameter of 35-45 cm.

Substrate preparation

  1. The diameter of the landing pit should be 40 centimeters, depth, also approximately 40 cm.
  2. The upper fertile layer must be separated from the lower. You will get two slides of soil - one fertile, the other less fertile.
  3. A slide with a high content of nutrients must be mixed with a kilogram of compost or rotted manure and one tablespoon of mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.

Seat selection

The landing place should be protected from cold winds and sufficiently brightly lit. Ideally, this is a plot with a slight slope to the south side, dug up, cleared of debris and weed grass.

You can not plant a rose in heavy clay soil with a high level of groundwater.

Important! When choosing a place for planting, you definitely need to think about wintering, when the rose will need to be laid on the ground. It should not cover other plants that do not require shelter.


  • Watering for roses should be plentiful and timely, as the soil dries.
  • Drying of the soil can trigger the discharge of buds.
  • You can not water under the scorching sun.
  • By the end of summer, watering should be reduced, and completely eliminated in autumn. This is done in order to prevent the formation of new shoots that do not have time to grow and bloom before winter. If the autumn turned out to be dry, then the bush still needs to be watered 1-2 times a week.

A large amount of greenery on a rose bush causes a strong evaporation of moisture, loss of water. therefore the soil around the bush must be mulched. This will save moisture and stop the growth of weeds.

Top dressing

  • Fertilize the rose during the active growth phase.
  • For feeding, use a nitrogen supplement or mullein, which is applied twice per period.
  • At the end of summer, you can feed the rose with a potassium-phosphorus supplement.
  • They bring nutrients by forming grooves around the bushes, which are filled with water. After the water is absorbed, liquid fertilizer is poured, and then again filled with water. And fall asleep with soil.

In the first year after planting, rose bushes do not need to be fertilized.

We offer you to watch a video about feeding the climbing roses:


The area where roses are planted should be bright, but the bushes should not be in direct sunlight throughout the day. For the rose to bloom long and magnificent, she needs a slight shade.


A climbing rose feels comfortable in a mid-zone climate, when the temperature reaches minus five degrees, the plant needs to be covered. In a winter shelter, the temperature should not fall below minus ten degrees.


Excessive humidity is not tolerated by this crop, increasing the risk of infection with fungal diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in the lowlands.


After spring sanitary pruning, the bushes should be sprayed with Bordeaux fluid. During flowering, the rose can be sprayed with growth stimulants, it is important to ensure that the preparations do not fall on the buds. July and August - time for spraying bushes from black spotting with copper-containing preparations, with a frequency of once every two weeks. Spraying leaves from a fine spray at the end of the day will give the rose bush a special freshness.


  1. The procedure is best done in September or in the first weeks of October.
  2. The ground part of the plant must be removed from the support.
  3. Gently dig a bush, stepping back from the base of the plant 50-60 cm.
  4. Remove the plant from the ground, remove excess soil from the roots.
  5. Immediately place the rose in a new place, spreading and directing the roots down in the landing pit.
  6. Cover the empty space with a mixture of soil, lightly tamp the soil and generously pour water.
  7. After three to four days, the earth needs to be filled up - it will settle.


Pruning roses three times a year:

  • In the spring, after landing. In the following years before the sap flow (in the second half of March).
  • In summer, the plant is lightly trimmed to form flowering to stimulate flowering - the shoots are trimmed a few centimeters.
  • In autumn, to successfully prepare the roses for wintering, old and undeveloped branches are removed.

We suggest you watch a video about pruning climbing roses:


When choosing a support for a rose bush, the size of the plant should be considered. If the bush is compact and not overgrown, support 1.5 meters high will be sufficient. The support should be about half a meter from the bush. When the shoots reach it, you can begin to form a bush.

  • The largest and strongest lashes that form the base are guided along the support.
  • The vine needs to be tied as horizontally as possible, this will ensure lush flowering.
Important! Only soft ribbons are suitable for garter. Avoid overly tilting the shoots to avoid injuring them.

Cold preparation

Preparation of rose bushes for hibernation should begin in mid-October. Autumn sanitary pruning is carried out with the removal of wilted or yellowed leaves, unripe buds and weak shoots. All cut off must be burned. When cropped, the bush should be 30-40 cm in height. Treat the rose with 1% Bordeaux liquid or 3% iron sulphate. Before you cover the plant, you need to warm the rootsby pouring a layer of peat or soil under a bush, 20-30 centimeters high.

Shelter for the winter

  1. In winter, the plant is spudded and completely covered with peat or river sand.
  2. If winter promises to be very cold from above, you can lay down fir spruce branches.
  3. You can cover the bush with special material, for example, lutrasil, and then cover it with sand and cover it with branches of any coniferous tree.
  4. In regions with harsh winters, it is recommended to build a frame around the shrub, fixing cover material on it and pouring dry leaves on top.
  5. In the spring, shelter must be removed in a timely manner so that the rose does not start to rot and rot.

We suggest you watch a video on how to cover a climbing rose for the winter:

Consequences of errors

  • The introduction of a large number of nitrogen fertilizers prevents the formation of buds.
  • An improperly chosen place for planting a rose can cause burns of flowers and a small number of buds.
  • Incorrect pruning or neglected wild growth will prevent the rose from blooming.
  • If roses are not wintered correctly, it will affect their well-being and decorativeness.

In response to the care and careful care, the climbing rose always responds with gratitude - plentiful flowering during almost the entire summer. This plant has not only an amazing appearance, but also has an amazing aroma.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about the care and planting of climbing roses:

Watch the video: How to plant, care and prune climbing roses? - all about climbing roses (October 2024).

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