Complete information about the planting, reproduction, cultivation of wisteria and about its care

Wisteria or Wisteria - a climbing tree of the legume family, spreads in subtropical latitudes. Known for large hanging inflorescences, white or purple, with a rich aroma.

Often used as an element of landscape design in parks and ornamental gardens around the world. In a comfortable environment, it has a long flowering period - from spring to late summer.

Learn how to plant a plant and care for it, how it propagates, and what specific features of working with flower roots exist, learn from the article.

Preparing for flower propagation at home

Is it possible to grow a flower in an apartment? The variety of wisteria varieties allows its cultivation both in the open ground in the form of a liana or a standard tree, and in a tub on the balcony, as well as at home on the windowsill in the bonsai style.

For cultivation in the garden, varieties of Wisteria shrubbery and Wisteria are fine, and for horticultural culture and indoor cultivation, Chinese Wisteria is more suitable, less often - Wisteria is plentifully flowering.

Determination of the season

Depends on the selected method. For example, propagation by vaccination is usually carried out in late February - early March, but it is also possible after the autumn leaf fall.

Reproduction by layering - carried out in April or May; seeds are harvested in the fall, and sown in the spring.

The most optimal time for the propagation of the wisteria plant is the spring months, that is, the period from March to May.

Pot selection

If bonsai art is to be used for cultivation, then the pot should be wide, but shallow. If the goal is to grow a standard tree on the balcony, the tub should be selected spacious, medium depth.

Tip. It is best to give preference to ceramic dishes, ideally - clay, with or without enamel.

Land preparation

At the bottom of the pot, under the soil, coarse-grained drainage is needed. The soil for wisteria should be nutritious and at the same time light, porous, breathable. Soil can be purchased ready for flowering plants, or prepare the soil mixture at home: mix in equal parts compost and leafy soil.

Propagation Methods at Home

Next, consider how to propagate the plant at home.

Horizontal layering

How to breed a plant using horizontal layering:

  1. Choose a long shoot on an adult plant that has grown a year earlier.
  2. Make a groove under the shoot.
  3. Fill with prepared soil mixture, pour plenty of water.
  4. Incise the kidneys of escape.
  5. Lay the shoot in the groove, secure with wire or studs.
  6. Sprinkle with earth, lightly compact it, leave the top in the air.
  7. Under favorable conditions, the roots will develop from the incised buds by the beginning of autumn.

Below you can watch a useful video about the propagation of wisteria by layering:


  1. For vaccination you need a seedling of non-varietal wisteria with an age of at least 3 years, which already had a flowering period.
  2. After the autumn leaf fall, dig up the plant, separate the stem from the root.
  3. Place the root in a sand pot, put in a cool and dark room.
  4. In early January, transfer varietal seedlings to heat.
  5. The length of the cuttings of a varietal plant for inoculation is 6-10 cm. On it, the kidneys must mature.
  6. A neat cut of 2 cm is made on the roots of non-grape wisteria and in the lower part of the varietal shank.
  7. 2 weeks after transferring the plants to heat, connect the cuttings with the roots in the places of cuts, fix.
  8. Plant the resulting structure in fertilized soil, cover with glass or film to achieve a greenhouse effect.
  9. Within a month after vaccination, shoots from the axillary buds will appear. In spring, the plant can be planted in a pot.


How to plant a plant with seeds in spring:

  1. In October, ripened seeds are collected from wisteria.
  2. In the spring, they sow in a container, in fertilized soil and cover with glass or oilcloth.
  3. A month later, when some of the seeds germinate, young shoots are taken out to fresh air.
  4. It will be possible to plant seedlings in pots in 2 years.

About how to grow wisteria from seeds at home, read here.


  1. A popular and easy way to breed Wisteria.
  2. In the fall, last year's (maternal) shoot is cut off.
  3. Cut it into several cuttings with kidneys.
  4. Make a bookmark in a container in the prepared nutrient substrate.
  5. Until late spring, they are kept in a dark room.
  6. In May, the cuttings that have sprouted and taken root are transplanted into a tub or pot.

More information about the propagation of wisteria by cuttings is described here.

Growing from seedlings

Reference. It is much easier to grow wisteria from a finished seedling than to propagate it yourself.

How to grow a flower from a seedling? Seedling selection:

  • It is worth acquiring a one-year or two-year-old wisteria seedling - such a chance to take root is higher than that of a very young plant.
  • The choice of seedling variety is done, given the climatic conditions of the area in which it will be planted.
  • When choosing a seedling, you need to know exactly how it will be grown (in a room or in open ground), since not all varieties of wisteria are able to grow in a pot on a windowsill.
  • It is reasonable to buy a seedling only from trusted people, as there are always those who give out another plant for what the buyer needs, using the inexperience of novice gardeners.

Next, we will tell you how to plant a plant in the spring.

Step-by-step landing instructions:

  1. The choice of place. The place in the room where the wisteria will be grown should be well lit by the sun, protected from wind and drafts. The plant is kept on the sunny side, in the summer it is taken out to the balcony.
  2. Timing. Landing is made in late spring.
  3. Soil preparation. The plant is able to adapt to various types of soil, however, for its comfortable existence, the soil is chosen light, slightly alkaline, drainage is placed under it.
  4. Watering and top dressing. Before planting, the soil must be abundantly watered and fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer.
  5. Landing. Make a recess in the ground of such a size that the root system of the plant when entering it is not damaged. Dip the root of the seedling in the prepared recess, sprinkle with soil the area around the plant, carefully tamp.
  6. Re-watering. after landing.

Outdoor landing

Next, get acquainted with the features of planting and caring for it.

When and how to plant a flower in open ground?

  • For planting wisteria in open ground in the spring, a ready-made seedling is usually used.
  • The place is sunny and open.
  • The soil requirements are the same as when planting in tubs or pots - loose and nutritious soil.
  • The best fertilizer will be fertilizers containing phosphates and potassium, but nitrogen in them should be low.
  • Once a season, wisteria is poured with honey water.
  • It is necessary to provide the plant with a strong support along which it will curl; it is also possible to turn wisteria into a standard tree.
  • From the beginning of spring to autumn, wisteria needs abundant watering, especially during flowering. In the autumn and winter months, the amount of water for irrigation and its regularity are reduced.
  • Pruning is necessary, both to remove dry inflorescences and branches, and to form the desired shape.
  • At the time of wintering (if the winter is cold), the wisteria is dug up, covered with dry leaves and special material.

We offer you to watch a video about the planting of wisteria in the spring in open ground:

About the cultivation and care of wisteria in the open ground is described here.


Look at the photo of the flower in the form of a vine with leaves after planting, for which proper care is carried out.

Leaving the first time after landing

Next, we will consider what cultivation and care should be for a room (and not only) plant.

  • The plant must be well watered.
  • Then give time to get used to the new conditions (about 2 weeks).
  • After mineral fertilizing is regularly introduced, with a break for winter time.
  • In the period of getting used to, it is worthwhile to pay special attention to lighting and temperature conditions: it is important that there is plenty of sunlight and a temperature of at least 16 degrees.
  • Wisteria should be protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts.
  • The earth should be moderately moist.
  • For the first two days, the planted wisteria is kept in the room.
  • After it can be taken out to the balcony or to the yard, if weather permits.

How fast is growing?

What year does the plant bloom after planting? The growth rate of wisteria depends on many factors: variety, breeding method, conditions, quality of care. For example, when growing from seeds, the first flowering can be expected only after 7-10 years. Most varieties of wisteria begin to bloom no earlier than three years of age. In the first few years after planting, the growth of seedlings will be almost imperceptible.

The formed plant develops faster, the shoots need to be pruned regularly, otherwise flowering will be sparse.

The development and growth of indoor varieties grown in a tub or bonsai style occurs in a shorter time.

Why does the flower not take root?

Possible reasons:

  • Excessive watering. The soil should be moist, but not wet.
  • Lack of heat.
  • Heavy soil with low nutrient content.
  • Fertilizer is not suitable or is applied irregularly.
  • Wisteria lacks sunlight.
Reference. Wisteria has a long adaptation period (2-4 years), and if at that time it almost shows no signs of life, this does not mean that the plant has not taken root.

Wisteria is called the beauty of the south; in the wild, it can be found only in subtropical lands. But the comparative unpretentiousness in the care allows the plant to be cultivated in almost all countries. Wisteria can become both a magnificent part of the garden landscape, and an unusual element of room decor.


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