Planting radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: when you can plant, how to carry out the procedure and the best varieties

Radish is the earliest vegetable that gardeners begin to grow. Recently, polycarbonate greenhouses are gaining more and more popularity due to their ease of use and the creation of comfort for plants. The greenhouse allows you to start planting much earlier and get the best harvests.

This article will discuss the features of planting a vegetable planting in closed ground in different regions of the country, which varieties of the variety are suitable for this, and also what problems and difficulties may arise.

Features and differences landing

To grow radishes in a greenhouse does not cause difficulties, since this is an unpretentious culture. Seeds can germinate at a temperature of +3 0C and above, however, development starts at +10 0FROM.

Polycarbonate is a light and durable heat insulating material. It transmits light well. The bright spring sun quickly warms up such a greenhouse, and the porous structure of polycarbonate retains heat for a long time.

A feature of planting radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is:

  • Creating the right microclimate in any weather.
  • Earlier landing dates.
  • The ability to grow culture year-round.

Sowing radishes in a greenhouse begin at the very beginning of spring or even at the end of winter, at a time when sowing in open ground is not yet possible.

When can I plant radishes indoors in different regions of the country?

Due to the climate in different regions of Russia, the timing of sowing radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse varies from early to late. Solar activity is also of great importance. The crop quantity directly depends on it. Radish is a short daylight culture.

Excessive lighting can slow down the development of the root crop and lead to the formation of arrows.

In late spring, you should pay attention to soil moisture and prevent its drying out. The greenhouse should be constantly ventilated to prevent crop diseases.

In Siberia

In Siberia, the snow cover lasts quite a long time. But despite this, due to the large number of sunny days, greenhouses warm up quickly. Radish cultivation can begin in mid-April. The earth at this time is already quite warm. However, at night, the temperature still remains low.

To protect plants from frost, measures should be taken to warm the greenhouse. For example, the creation of warm beds or heating will help in this matter.

In outskirts of Moscow

You can start planting radishes in the Moscow region in early spring, already at the end of March. At this time of the year, there is no snow cover in the middle lane. Due to the high solar activity, the soil in the body heats up enough to start sowing radishes. If the winter was long, then crops should be planted 1-2 weeks later.

Leningrad region

Leningrad region is located north of Moscow. In the Leningrad Region, the planting dates of radishes are shifted; sowing is recommended when the soil in the greenhouse warms up, so it is recommended to plant radishes in this area a little later in spring, around the beginning of April.

In the Urals

The climatic conditions of the Urals are significantly different from the Moscow Region. However, when planting radishes in a greenhouse, this difference is almost not noticeable.

The Ural region is quite large, so the timing of planting work here is highly dependent on the geographical features of the area and solar activity. They begin to sow radishes in the greenhouse in April, further focusing on local climatic conditions.

The best varieties of radish

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to resistance to shooting, to high humidity and fungal diseases. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, any variety of radish can be grown.

It should be determined what time the radish will occupy in the greenhouse, that is, only early in the spring or the whole season.
  • Early and ultra-early varieties can be harvested after 20-25 days from the time of sowing.
  • Mid-season grades - after 30 days.
  • Late varieties - after 1.5 months.

Table No. 1:

GradeGrowing period, days Weight g ColoringThe form
Early ripening varieties
Ultra early2015redround
Children's F118-2013-22redrounded
Firstborn F116-1835Dark redround
18 days18-2025-30light redcylindrical
Early grades
Silesia24-2822bright redcylindrical
Sax3020bright redround
Deck20-2411-13redblunt, round
Champion20-3025dark scarletround
Mid-season and late varieties
Heat20-4015pink redround
Wurzburg 5925-3514-17dark raspberryround

How to carry out the landing procedure?

Radish seeds for indoor cultivation should be prepared in advance. It is recommended to buy seeds in specialized stores. Many companies have appeared on the market that are engaged in seed packaging, and not all of them sell a quality product. But if you do not want to go anywhere, then there are online stores with delivery. Look for the best prices, often the difference for one bag is quite substantial.

Before sowing radish, a place should be prepared where the crop will be grown:

  1. There should be enough light in the greenhouse and the optimum temperature (18 - 20 0C) for a large crop.

    The advantage of polycarbonate greenhouses is that this material warms up faster than glass.

    Therefore, planting can begin in early spring.

  2. The soil should be sufficiently moist and have a neutral level of acidity. When the topsoil warms up by about 3 cm, you can start planting.

Sowing is carried out with dry seeds, in rows, to a depth of less than 2 cm at a distance of 5 cm. There are 2 ways of sowing: manually and tape.

  1. Manually seeds are laid out, at a distance of no more than 5 cm, in rows.
  2. When using the tape method of sowing, they take a strip of paper about 0.5 cm wide and paste seeds on it at a distance of 5 cm. Cooked ribbons with seeds are laid in rows.

After sowing, cover the seeds with soil and properly shed the beds.

After planting and emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to provide further proper care for the crop - to maintain an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse to obtain a larger crop of radish:

  • The temperature for the entire growing season is 18 - 20 0FROM.
  • Watering is carried out once every 2 days, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, because of this the radish will begin to bitter.
  • In order for the vegetables not to hurt, you should ventilate the greenhouse.

From the video you will learn how to plant radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse in early spring:

Possible problems and difficulties

  1. Radish is a photophilous culture and possible shading will harm him.
  2. Also, if you plant it too thickly, the radish will grow much more slowly than it should. In this case, you need to thin it.
  3. To obtain a plentiful and healthy crop, constant cultivation and timely watering is required.
  4. If there is not enough nutrients in the soil, or vice versa, an excess, the plant will inform you about it. The tops will change color from bright green to pale green.
  5. A bad precursor for radish are plants from the cruciferous family.

Radish is not a whimsical culture. This is a tasty, healthy and easily cultivated root crop. Radish cultivation can be safely dealt with all season, from spring to autumn. To get a continuous crop, seeds are sown every 20-25 days. Root crops are perfectly stored in a cool place. With proper observance of all the rules of cultivation and storage conditions of the crop, radishes will delight you most of the year.

Watch the video: 5 Low Cost Greenhouse Ideas (October 2024).

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