Healing properties and secrets of using Jerusalem artichoke flowers with health benefits

Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear, is a tall flowering plant.

Unfortunately, he does not receive much attention from modern people, which is very in vain.

He is not very picky in conditions, and his flowers can share with you a lot of vitamins and amino acids. In this article you will learn about all the benefits that Jerusalem artichoke flowers will bring.

Description and photo

Externally, the flower resembles a sunflower: brownish center surrounded by 9 yellow-orange petals. It is located on the tops of the shoots. Jerusalem artichoke prefers moist and bright places and does not tolerate acidic and saline patches of soil, which is very important for timely flowering.

Below you will see a photo of how an earthen pear blossoms.

When does it bloom?

The plant begins to bloom in early August and retains flowers until October. Flowers usually have 12 petals of yellow or light orange color with a brown core. It is a mistake to believe that Jerusalem artichoke is only useful for root crops, and inflorescences are also valuable in the amount of vitamins.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

One of the reasons for the lack of flowers in Jerusalem artichoke may be improper light conditions. Flowering requires a long daylight (more than 12 hours).

If the reason is this, plant the “Skorospelka” variety.

The next reason may be growing in unsuitable soil. As mentioned earlier, the plant loves chernozem moist soils.

Do not forget that Jerusalem artichoke cannot fully reproduce in one place for more than five years. This is due to the fact that the plant collects all fertile substances from the soil, and each generation gets less and less. Observing the rules of cultivation, you will achieve constant flowering.

Healing properties

  • Jerusalem artichoke contains a useful carbohydrate, insulin in its flowers and stem. It is useful for intestinal microflora and digestion in general.
  • In addition, the flowers have many useful trace elements recommended for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the use of slow carbohydrates increases the mood and general condition of the human body.

    Lowering blood sugar leads to improved vision.

  • Scones have such properties as the healing of small wounds, scratches and other skin lesions.
  • Frozen broth is used as a face lotion, which makes the skin fresh and velvety. Infusion of flowers is used to make healing baths.
  • A regular drink from Jerusalem artichoke can remove excess salt from the body, which will prevent the development of joint pathologies.

    Jerusalem artichoke in the process of growth does not accumulate nitrates and nitrites contained in the soil.


Jerusalem artichoke should not be consumed by people with peptic ulcers, flatulence and sluggish digestion. However, when it is baked or cooked, it begins to affect the gastrointestinal tract much softer and safer.

Infusion recipe

To prepare an infusion from an earthen pear, it is necessary to collect Jerusalem artichoke flowers at the end of September, carefully cutting them. After that, it is necessary to dry the heads in the test room.

Do not dry flowers in direct sunlight.


  • Dried Jerusalem artichoke flowers.
  • Water.

Possible additives:

  • Honey.
  • Fruits.
  • Berries
  • St. John's wort
  • Yarrow.
  • Elecampane.
  • Chamomile.


  1. The flowers are cut into slices of half a centimeter and put in a teapot three or four tablespoons and pour a liter of water.
  2. If desired, you can add other ingredients to the infusion that will give the drink a taste and increase benefits.
  3. After that, the infusion is tightly corked and kept for about an hour. Then it is filtered and cooled.

How to use:

  1. To maintain the health of the whole body, it is recommended to take half a glass of drink for 20 days, after which take a break of two to three months and repeat the cycle.
  2. In order to get rid of a headache, drink one glass of infusion every other day. It is not recommended to adhere to such consumption for more than two weeks.
  3. From heartburn, an infusion of earthen pear flowers in combination with white acacia flowers and mulberry leaves will help. Take 100 grams after a meal.
  4. Wanting to achieve the effect of reducing pressure, you should use Jerusalem artichoke juice. It should be taken in 50 ml diluted in the same amount of water.
  5. The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke infusion are explained, firstly, by a high content of insulin, and secondly, by the special properties of the sorbent, which neutralizes toxic substances. For continued liver care, take 200 ml in the morning and evening.

Take a closer look at the Jerusalem artichoke plant, if you have not done it before. Growing it on your site, you not only get pleasure from the beauty of flowers, but also become the owner of a whole natural "first-aid kit".

Watch the video: Earth Apple Sunchoke, Jerusalem Artichoke Benefits For Diabetes & Much More!!! Video (October 2024).

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