The most important thing in cactus care: when and how to water the plant properly? Possible mistakes

One of the main conditions for proper care of a cactus is its watering, and this procedure should be carried out exactly to the extent that this plant needs.

Excessive humidity, like dryness, can harm, so you should pay special attention to the frequency and method of watering and spraying. In addition to the amount of water, its purity, composition and temperature are also important.

It is also told whether it is possible to water the plants during flowering so that they bloom and not fall off, as well as how to save the flooded cactus. You can read whether it is necessary to water in the winter and how many times a month (once in how many days), how often you need to water small and adult cacti in summer and spring, and when to water after transplanting.

The Importance of Proper Watering

Any plant needs the necessary amount of light, heat and, of course, moisture. The correct combination of all these factors, coupled with useful fertilizers, will guarantee the long life of the plant, its flowering and healthy appearance to the joy of all households.

With regard to cacti, it is important to take extra care when watering., because these desert thorns are very sensitive to excessive moisture that can ruin them. We must try to create for this plant that microclimate in which it would grow in the natural environment, and these are rather arid and hot places, such as deserts. At the same time, they should be protected from excessive aridity, especially tropical and forest species.

An amazing cacti conservation device is water and moisture: being plants growing in places with low rainfall and an arid climate, the ability to retain moisture in itself allows these desert inhabitants not to die in such difficult climatic conditions.

What parts of the plant (organs) in which moisture is stored and stored for a long time? Water conservation they have is in their thick stemwhere special fabrics are located to store and retain moisture.

Methods and features of the procedure

The volume of water for watering this type of plant varies depending on the time of year, the ambient temperature and the actual state of the cactus itself: after transplantation, during flowering, diseases, especially those associated with the decay of any part.

So, for example, on hot days, when the evaporation of water is fast enough, you need to water this plant every day, while on cool days you can skip this procedure.

What water to water:

  • The most suitable water for irrigation and spraying is thawed or rainwater, however, in the absence of such, simple filtered or standing water from the tap will do well. Water must be defended for at least 24 hours in a place protected from light.
  • Water should not be too hot or cold — room temperature is best.
  • Watering is more advisable to carry out in the morning or evening hours.
Important! Watering the cactus is not required if the soil in the pot is not dry.

An approximate schedule for proper watering:

  1. Summer. In the summer, these desert spiny plants need to be watered once every 5-7 days, if necessary, skipping watering on the coolest and rainy day. The higher the temperature in the room, the more the plant needs moisture and watering in the summer, and vice versa.
  2. In the winter. During the heating season, when the air in the room becomes very dry, you need to take care of choosing a suitable place for the plant, making sure that it is protected from drafts and at the same time is cool enough, away from light. The cactus will rest at this time, so you need to water it only a couple of times a month, and sometimes even less often - once during the winter. It depends on the general condition of the plant.
  3. Spring and autumn watering. In spring and autumn, watering the cactus should be carried out approximately once every 10 days or once every two weeks, depending on weather conditions: on a sunny warm day, the plant will need more moisture.
  4. After the transplant. Immediately after the transplant with watering, it is better to wait a bit and start it no earlier than a week later. During this period, the plant will come to its senses, and the sensitive roots of the plant damaged during the transplant will be delayed and overgrown. After the first watering, which should be plentiful, it is necessary to wait until the soil has completely dried out and then wait another 5 days until the next watering.
  5. During flowering. How many times a week do you need to water the plant during flowering and is it necessary to do this at all? During the formation of buds, it is better to leave the plant alone, and during flowering, water as usual or slightly less, strictly as the soil dries, that is, about once a week.

It is best to check the dryness of the soil not just by pressing a finger on the top layer, but with the help of a long thin wooden stick, gently sticking it into the ground to the very end, after which it will be possible to assess the degree of drying of the whole soil.

Watering instructions

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. First of all, you need to draw water into the bottle for pouring and, without closing it with a lid, put in a dark cool place to stand for 24 hours.
  2. The settling time can be increased, but in no case reduced - the water should be sedimented for at least 24 hours.
  3. The volume of water depends on the size of the cactus.

There are two types of watering of cacti: you can traditionally water from above, but you can from below.

In the first case, you need to try to avoid getting water on the plant itself and especially on its stem. It is important to moisturize only the root system.

When watering from below, water is not poured into the cactus tank itself, but into its panwhere then put the pot with the plant. With this method, the pot, of course, must have openings on the bottom and have a good drainage system.

The meaning of this option of irrigation is as follows: since the roots of the cactus are located at the very bottom of the soil, they are fed with moisture not from above when the water passes through the entire soil, but directly from below. Thus, the roots get the moisture they need, and the cactus stem remains dry. This is considered the most convenient way of watering this type of plant.

After any type of moisture, it remains only to check the condition of the soil from time to time, controlling the degree of its moisture.

Top dressing added to water

It is important to remember that feeding a cactus in winter, during its rest, is not recommended, as well as in case of illness or damage to any part of the plant. How can I water a plant? Mineral fertilizers are usually used for top dressing: salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which are dissolved in warm, soft, settled water. These fertilizers can be purchased at specialized stores.


Next, you can see the photo of the cactus:

Common mistakes

  1. The bay Too frequent watering, or too much water can adversely affect the health of the cactus, causing decay. This exotic desert spiny plant will tolerate a bit of aridity much better than excessively heavy watering.
  2. Bad water. Water should be soft, free of chlorine or any other similar chemical impurities. Water does not hurt to filter out with a regular home filter.
  3. Moisture on the stem. In the upper method of watering, water is also poured onto the stem itself, which should be strictly avoided.
  4. Water temperature. Watering too cold or too hot water can cause illness.

What will happen if you do not follow the rules?

If the correct irrigation regime is not observed, the plant can simply die, both due to the bay and due to lack of moisture. If water gets on the cactus stem, spots may appear. The dropping of buds by a cactus can be a result of watering with too cold water, and the absence of flowering can be a violation of the watering regime.

In the case of a cactus bay, decay of its root system can occur, which is often the cause of the death of the entire plant. How to save a cactus if you uploaded it: what should be done? If such an error occurs and the plant has received excessive moisture, do the following:

  1. Carefully inspect the cactus and cut everything prone to decay, leaving only a healthy place, even if it is a small top of the plant.
  2. Sprinkle the cut with sulfur, crushed activated carbon or ash and dry for about 2 weeks.
  3. Then carefully plant in a soil suitable for a cactus and leave there without watering for a couple of weeks.
  4. Throw away the rotten part with soil, and thoroughly rinse the pot with soda.

Compliance with simple, but very important for the plant irrigation rules will help maintain its flowering and healthy appearance, becoming a real decoration of any room. Cacti are quite unpretentious, so all that is required for their care is to check the level of soil moisture and, of course, a suitable place with enough light, fresh air and heat.

Watch the video: 5 COMMON MISTAKES IN CACTUS CARE (October 2024).

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