Home care in case of a disease of the fatty: what should I do if the leaves of a money tree show up?

Many housewives prefer plants that do not require reverent care and close attention.

One of these plants is a money tree that can bear any burdens and live without watering for a long time.

But there are situations when a plant gets rid of leaves and is on the verge of death. Should I figure out how to save a fat girl? And why does this happen?

Why does a fat woman crumble and what diseases can there be?

  1. One of the most common causes of wilting is improper watering. It is worth clarifying that the plant belongs to a class that accumulates moisture and calmly tolerates the absence of watering.Excess water the plant experiences far worse than its lack. It is impossible to leave the ground dry and not to water the plant for quite some time.
  2. The cause may be direct sunlight, which affects the tree. Despite the fact that the plant is one of the photophilous, it does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  3. Also, the use of mineral fertilizers, an excess of minerals in the soil will lead to disruption of the exchange of useful elements inside the plant.
  4. Diseases or pests can appear in the form of a white coating on the leaves or lumps of cotton wool. This indicates the presence of a mealybug.

Among the reasons why the fat woman drops its leaves, the following:

  • violation of the watering regime;
  • the presence of a large amount of light;
  • an excess of mineral fertilizers;
  • diseases or pests.

What causes the plant to drop its crown in winter?

One of the reasons for the lack of leaves in winter is a change in temperature. It is worth making sure that the plant is not located near the batteries or in open drafts. Choose the best location for the plant and then, it will delight you throughout the year.

What to do if the branches of the crassula droop and fall?

If the petals fell off partially

  1. To determine the lack of moisture or its excess can be quite simple: when abundantly watered, leaves that are healthy and dense look, fall off the main branch, if moisture is not enough, then the leaves begin to fade.

    In this case, you need to set the correct watering schedule:

    • water in the summer every day a little;
    • in the autumn-winter period, water it once a week.
    Improperly organized watering leads not only to a complete absence of leaves, but also to rotting of the roots.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the exact dosage of fertilizers and follow the recommendations for use and dosage of the substance used.
  3. You should also monitor the general temperature regime and water the plant with warm, settled water, and not cold from the tap. This can disrupt the root system and lead to rotting of the plant from the inside.
  4. When a pest appears, it is necessary to completely treat the tree with soapy water and then carefully monitor the appearance of new signs. Processing should be repeated if the worm has not disappeared. You can also use a solution of garlic or cyclamen tubers.

If he takes it all away

The main reason for dropping leaves is natural aging.. It is necessary to cut off all branches soon and leave the trunk so that the plant begins to grow anew and completely rejuvenated.

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The main cause of drooping and falling branches is a violation in the root system. Due to improper watering or getting a certain kind of chemistry, the work of the root system is disrupted, and the plant can rot from the inside. That's why the leaves of the money tree fall, but how to care for it?

To solve the problem it is necessary:

  1. be sure to cut off all dead roots;
  2. to remove the branches which have fallen away and drooped;
  3. change the soil, to which it is also necessary to add crushed activated carbon, which can restore the chemical balance inside the tissues of the fat woman and help it return to its original form.

This is the answer to the question: what to do if the money tree loses leaves - after all, with proper care, the plant will delight the eye for a long time. The most important factor is compliance with the irrigation regime in different seasons and take into account the illumination of the place. The fat woman herself does not require attention, like orchids in pots, but she needs proper care, allowing the plant to remain healthy and pleasing to the eye.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video on why the fatty leaves fall and how to avoid this in the process of growing the plant:

Watch the video: Fatty liver or kidney problems - Treat it with neem leaves (October 2024).

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