What is sansevieria transplantation for and how to carry it out correctly?

Sansevier is an evergreen stemless herbaceous succulent from the Asparagus family.

It is very decorative and unpretentious, and is also characterized by rapid growth, vitality and fertility, so the question of how to plant a house plant regularly arises before its owner.

But in order for the plant to please its beauty, you need to know everything not only about how to transplant it, but also about the right time for this.

Why and when do you need to transplant a pike tail?

Sansevieria transplant at home is required approximately once a year, and a signal for this is usually a bulging of the roots of the pot or a large number of new shoots. And if the pot is plastic, it can simply burst under the pressure of a powerful root system. In this case, the owner has no choice but to transplant the plant into another pot.

The plant has a strong growth dynamics, so it will have to be planted and transplanted from time to time. Sometimes a flower grows in a pot so much that it begins to deform due to the abundance of leaves. This is already a clear request for help, and Sansevier will have to sit up urgently.

Therefore, as soon as the plant declares that it needs attention, you should immediately acquire a new strong thick thick-walled clay pot of small depth and at the same time quite wide. And besides, you will need purchased land for succulents and good drainage.

What time of year should I do this and how often?

Usually new shoots appear in the Sansevier in the spring, but under especially favorable conditions for her, she can give children all year round. How to transplant and plant a flower at any time of the year, it will not hurt its viability. On the contrary: having received a new spacious pot and expanse for the root system, it will be happy to move into growth and reproduction.

The plant has no rest period, it enjoys life all year round on any window sill and at any temperature above +15aboutC, therefore, if a flower asks for a transplant in winter - you should not refuse and postpone the matter in the spring.

How to do it at home?

  1. First of all, you need to choose a container in which the flower will grow, purchase suitable soil, expanded clay and stock up with a knife to facilitate the process of extraction from the old pot. The dull side of the knife is held inside the pot wall to separate the earth from it, and the Sansevier is carefully pulled out.
  2. It is better to shake off the old earth or wash it off from the roots in a basin of water.
  3. A layer of expanded clay is poured into the bottom of the new pot, the plant is set and sprinkled with earth.
  4. Tampered and watered the earth, if necessary, add soil and tamped again.

    Attention: for the adaptation period, the plant may need fixation so that heavy leaves do not outweigh and the pot does not turn over.

Rules for placing plants in open ground

If the climate allows and at night the temperature on the street never drops below +15aboutWith, you can decorate your garden with a sansevier. It is better to carry out these works in late spring or early summer.

The landing site should be well lit but not exposed to direct sunlight.

  1. To do this, first prepare the soil. It can be composed independently of the following components:
    • peat;
    • sand;
    • sheet earth;
    • humus.
  2. Then, holes about 15 cm deep are made in the soil, into which new plants will be planted. Slices of crushed activated carbon should already be treated in plants.
  3. Drainage is added to the bottom of the wells - small stones, expanded clay, broken shards.
  4. Prepared soil is poured onto the drainage layer.
  5. Establish young plants with a height of 20 cm and from 5 sheets in a bush.
  6. Add more soil, water a little and crush the ground until the plant is completely fixed.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a flower

The roots of the flower do not grow in depth, but in breadth, and sometimes, freeing the plant from the old pot, the owner is surprised to contemplate a huge root spiral with young shoots on it. In nature, the root, not limited by anything, grows as he pleases, and the new shoots of the sansevier simply emerge from the ground throughout its entire length.

You will need:

  • sharp knife;
  • a new pot (or several, depending on how much the sansevier has grown);
  • drainage;
  • soil for succulents or neutral for ornamental deciduous plants (you can find out what soil for sansevieria should be here);
  • some crushed activated carbon.


  1. Draw the blunt side of the knife inside along the edge of the pot to separate the earthen lump.
  2. Remove the sansevier from the pot and gently brush off the old ground from the roots. This can be done in a basin of water, rinsing the roots.
  3. If there are many young plants, carefully cut the rhizome with a knife, leaving the growth points. Cut places with charcoal. Children should preferably be separated from the mother plants. Leave to dry for a day or put in water, but both are not necessary for successful rooting.
  4. Add expanded clay to the bottom of new pots according to the number of plants.
  5. Set a new sprout in each and sprinkle well with soil, compact, water and, if possible, strengthen until the end of the plant adaptation period.
Reference: You can plant both one or several plants in one pot, but you must remember that each of them, becoming independent after separation from the common root, will start its own reproduction process.

Further care

The main care that a pike tail needs at home after a transplant is to maintain balance in the new tank. New roots have not yet spread throughout the pot, and the leaves of the Sansevieria are heavy, and even though placed in a ceramic pot, it can fall out of it under the weight of the leaves.

therefore for the first time, you can gird the leaves with a ribbon and establish a support for them. When it becomes clear that the flower has already strengthened its position, the fixation can be removed.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

This flower is difficult to create intolerable conditions, it is undemanding. But if after transplanting Sansevier, she suddenly feels bad, withers, the leaves curl, it is worth paying attention to her.

  • The plant does not tolerate high humidity, and if the soil is constantly moist, the flower will begin to hurt (about which diseases and pests can destroy sansevieria, as well as how to help the plant, read here).
  • Also, do not place the newly transplanted plant in a brightly lit place. A transplant is always stress for a flower, and it is better to experience it in neutral conditions.

The pike tail is a beautiful and undemanding plant, it will adorn any interior and saturate it with oxygen. The main thing is to know how to properly transplant Sansevier, and the rules for leaving her at home are very simple, and even a beginner grower will cope with them.

Watch the video: How to Dividing Your Snake Plant (October 2024).

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