A home doctor for your skin - Aloe Vera: for acne, sunburn and burns

Aloe has healing properties - this fact is known to everyone. But not everyone knows that on the basis of this plant it is possible to prepare various cosmetic preparations.

The article will talk about recipes with aloe vera, from which you can create magnificent masks, lotions and balms that can replace many expensive cosmetic products, rejuvenate and improve your skin. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

Chemical composition

Speaking about the beneficial properties of this plant, it is worth immediately telling about its chemical composition. So, aloe vera includes:

  • two dozen amino acids, and many of them cannot be synthesized by the human body;
  • calcium, potassium, sodium, selenium, chromium, magnesium, copper, zinc;
  • Vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12.

Benefits for the epidermis

What benefits does aloe vera bring to our skin?

  1. Helps to avoid scars and scars. To do this, it is enough to sprinkle juice on the affected area only in the first 30 minutes after receiving a cut or scratch.
  2. It removes the irritation of the epidermis, and also brings it into tone, resists inflammation and redness.
  3. Restores skin cells, thereby preventing its aging. In addition, lithin is present in aloe juice - this is a component that contributes to the absorption of the vitamin (read about the benefits of aloe vera juice and recipes with this component here).
  4. Saves from acne and acne. This is due to the high antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant. To achieve maximum effect, the course of use should be 14 days.
  5. It is used to obtain a uniform tan, as well as to reduce pain from sunburn.
  6. Eliminates age spots.

Application for skin


What is necessary:

  • Dry clay;
  • aloe vera gel;
  • witch hazel extract;
  • lemon juice.

All components are taken in equal proportions.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Add 1 part water to one 2 part mixture.
  2. Mix all components to obtain a thick mixture.
  3. It can be applied to any part of the body.
  4. Leave for half an hour.

This mask works great as a scrub - removes dead cells.

Prone to dryness

What is necessary:

  • 20 ml of the juice of our plant and the same amount of olive oil.
  • One egg white.

How to cook and apply:

  1. First you need to thoroughly beat the protein, then pour in the oil and juice, mix well again.
  2. Apply to skin and leave for a third of an hour.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
Tip: After such a mask, we’ll also moisturize the skin with cream, since the protein itself can give a feeling of tightness.


What is necessary:

  • 120 ml aloe juice.
  • 40 grams of gel of this plant.
  • 20 grams of honey.
  • A couple drops of any essential oil.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix all the ingredients and let it brew for a few minutes.
  2. Apply and leave on the body for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wash off in the usual way.

For acne

To combat this problem, you can use pure plant juice, a tonic or a mask based on it. To obtain juice, you need to cut two or three aloe vera leaves, divide them into several parts, dry them a little, and then squeeze the juice from the dried aloe vera. Juice can be dripped immediately on a cotton pad and wipe the problem areas with it.

What is necessary for tonic:

  • 200 grams of alcohol (you can vodka);
  • 40 ml aloe vera juice.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix all components.
  2. Wipe your face in the morning and evening after washing. This should be done both for the treatment of skin rashes and for the prevention of its appearance.
  3. After applying this tonic, it is necessary to moisturize the face with cream, since alcohol always dries the skin.

What is needed for the mask:

  • one egg yolk;
  • lemon juice and aloe vera 20 ml.

How to cook and apply:

  1. First you need to thoroughly beat the yolk, and then add the rest of the ingredients to it.
  2. Apply to skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
Attention: This procedure will allow the person to be saturated with vitamins and minerals, which will make it look fresher and relieve acne and acne. In both cases, the effect can be seen after the first week of use.

From tanning and after it

Before going to the scorching sun, it is enough to lubricate the skin with the leaves of a medicinal plant. To do this, they must first be cut, cooled for several hours, and then remove the peel. Lubricate exposed areas of the body with a cleaned leaf. The extracted juice is instantly absorbed into the skin and protects it from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

After sunbathing, you can apply the three most popular masks in order to restore the skin, as well as moisturize, nourish and prevent aging.

Mask with flour

What is necessary:

  • 80 grams of oatmeal (you can just finely grind oatmeal).
  • 80 ml of boiling water.
  • 10 g dry echinacea.
  • 20 ml of flax oil.
  • 10 ml of jojoba oil (in the absence it can be replaced with vitamin E).

How to cook and apply:

  1. Pour flour and echinacea with boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for an hour.
  3. After this time, add the remaining components, mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to skin and leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse with cool water.

The course of application of such a mask should be a month. The interval between applications is one day.

With yeast

What is necessary:

  • 20 grams of dry yeast.
  • 50-80 ml of sunflower oil.
  • 40 ml aloe juice.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Stir all the ingredients to make a gel.
  2. Apply to highly tanned skin for about half an hour.
  3. But do not make the gel freeze. To do this, periodically spray the composition with water.
Important: Such a mask will completely restore the skin after 30-40 applications with a break of 1-2 days.

Kelp based

What is necessary:

  • 100 grams of kelp (you need to grind it into flour).
  • 20 ml rosehip oil, vitamin E ampoule
  • 40-80 ml of the juice of our plant.

How to cook and apply:

  1. From the very beginning, you need to pour out vitamin E, and after that, the rest of the mask components.
  2. All this mix and lubricate the skin with a thick layer.

Use this tool you need 3-5 times a week for 30 days.

With sunburn

What is necessary:

  • 40 ml of strawberry juice.
  • One egg yolk.
  • 150 grams of sour cream (with a low fat content).
  • 80 ml aloe juice or gel.

How to cook and apply:

  1. The skin should be clean and dry.
  2. All well-mixed components are applied to the burned areas with a thin layer.
  3. Allow to dry for several minutes.
  4. Then two more layers are applied in the same way.
  5. And a quarter of an hour after applying the first layer, wash off with water at room temperature.
Tip: After applying this mask, you can lubricate the body with lemon water: for 1000 ml of pure water you need only a tablespoon of lemon juice. This will enhance the moisturizing effect.

For eyelids and eye area

For such a delicate area of ​​the face as the eyelids, aloe vera is simply a find and a storehouse of useful components. These are not just vitamins, but micro and macro elements, minerals and antioxidants. To combat the signs of aging around the eyes, just moisten a cotton pad in freshly squeezed aloe juice and keep this disc on the eyelids for 20-30 minutes.

You can not squeeze the juice, but simply cut the leaves of the plant into small pieces, cool them and apply forever for the same time. Do not forget that sheet plates need to be cleaned from the top layer.

For hands

To prepare a hand mask, you need concentrated aloe vera gel. To get it, you need to cut the sheet, and then cut it along.

Loan gently with a teaspoon to collect gel from the middle of the cut leaves.

Then you can add any oil to it, mix and apply on hands for 20 minutes.

The result will be noticeable after the first application.

Wrinkle mask

What is necessary:

  • 40 grams of low-fat yogurt.
  • 150 gr of cucumber pulp (you can get it in a blender or on a grater).
  • 80 ml of aloe vera juice.

How to cook and apply:

  1. Mix all components and apply on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. Leave the mask for a third of an hour.

Apply twice a week constantly.

You can find more details about natural facial skin care with healing aloe vera here.


Aloe vera gel is oxidized within four hours and after this time it becomes harmful to the skin, so it is important to manage to prepare a mask based on it in 3-4 hours. Contraindications for external use, except for plant intolerance, does not exist.


We recommend that you grow aloe vera on your windowsill and provide it with proper care. After all, then at your fingertips you will always have not only an excellent cosmetic product, but also a therapeutic one, which can help in a number of health problems.

Watch the video: Dermatology Treatments : How to Care for a Skin Burn (October 2024).

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