We grow tropical succulent: home care for aeonium and a flower photo

Eonium is undeservedly rare in our city apartments. But this plant is unusually decorative and undemanding to care.

Eonium blooms, however, rarely in indoor conditions. Among flower growers, exotic plant species are becoming increasingly popular.

Until recently, window sills were decorated with aloe, begonias, violets, now many can see tropical succulents. One of the most popular species are aeoniums. A decorative non-whimsical plant that lives for a very long time, but attracts attention with its beautiful flowering and simple care. The article will tell you more about this unpretentious succulent.

Description and photo of a flower

Eoniums are perennial unpretentious plants, family Crassulaceae. There are about 40 species. They have small stems and rosettes of dense leaves.

In the spring-summer period, aeonium appears small flowers collected in inflorescences.

At home, succulent blooms very rarely.

Below you will see a photo of the plant:

How to care for a plant?

Care for eonium has its own characteristics, knowing and considering them, you can grow flowering tropical succulents.


The plant is very photophilous.

The flower is illuminated throughout the year, even during the dormant period, which is observed in the winter. To do this, it is recommended to install phytolamps with the onset of cold weather.

In the summer, Eonium is taken out to fresh air (garden, balcony). The plant can be placed under the direct rays of the sun, they will not harm him in any way. In low light the leaves fade and stretch.

The duration of daylight hours throughout the year for a flower should be 9-12 hours.


A suitable temperature for growing eonium in spring and summer is 19-25 degrees. An increased temperature leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the leaves, and a low one negatively affects the condition of the flower.

In winter, the temperature is reduced to 10-12 degrees, you can put a pot with a plant on an insulated or heated balcony. It is necessary for the succulent to gain strength and feel the natural processes. However eonium adapts well to normal room conditions.


Succulents should be placed on the south or southeast window sills. In summer, take to the balcony or to the garden. Shade from sunlight only on a very hot day. Northern windows are not suitable for growing plants.


There is no special attention to the watering of Eonium, the main thing is to ensure that the land does not dry out. Succulents do not need much moisture during flowering.

The soil between watering should dry. In the summer, the procedure is carried out 1 time per week. In winter, even less than 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Water the plant on the edge of the pot very carefully. Do not allow water to enter the trunk and leaf sockets, as well as moisture accumulation in the center of the inflorescence.

Stagnation of water is unacceptable, as this can lead to decay and the appearance of molds, and hence the death of the flower. therefore before watering, it is recommended to succulent.

Air humidity

The plant tolerates dry weather well, so air humidity is not so important for a flower. Spraying the succulent or wiping it with a damp cloth is occasionally done to remove dust on outlets and leaves. Suitable for spraying running water at room temperature.

For hygienic purposes, a warm shower can be arranged.. In this case, the substrate in the pot is covered with cellophane from the ingress of water.

For a comfortable flower life, the room where it is located should be ventilated, since it needs fresh air, but it is worthwhile to ensure that there are no drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Top dressing

Young eoniums are not fertilized. Adult plants need fertilizing only during the period of active growth from spring to summer. Fertilizing for the flower, spend 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Use fertilizers for cacti and other succulents with a high potassium content.

If white spots appear on the leaves of the plant, this indicates an excess of minerals. When white spots appear, the dose of top dressing should be reduced by 2 times.

The soil

Earth should be loose and neutral acidity. Well-purchased soil for cacti. But you can cook it yourself.

To do this, in equal shares connect the sheet, clay and turf lands, as well as sand. A small amount of crushed charcoal is also poured into the ground. Charcoal helps prevent root decay.

When planting, you should make a good drainage layer of expanded clay. The pot should not be taken out for growth, since in it the soil will not dry out for a long time. And the land between irrigation should dry completely. From spring to autumn, Eonium is watered as the soil dries. Plants respond poorly to excess moisture in the ground and to water that enters leaf sockets. In winter, Eonium is watered 1 time per month, not more often. Since aeonium is drought tolerant, there is no need to spray the plant.


Eonium tolerates pruning well. In early spring, when long or curved shoots appear, their crown is cut off with a sharp knife. Subsequently, they are used for rooting. It is recommended to sprinkle the slice with activated carbon. Then new sockets will grow on this place. And also the yellowed leaves are removed.


Succulent propagates in the following ways:

  1. Apical outlet. Take a stem with a rosette of leaves, dried for 2-3 days in a cool place protected from the sun. Then planted in moist soil. Watered sparingly.Until the roots go, the flower cannot be placed in direct sunlight. The plant takes root in 2-3 weeks.
  2. Leaf cuttings. After drying, the leaves are simply placed in a pot with a substrate, without digging into the ground.
  3. Seeds. They are scattered on the surface of the earth, not falling asleep with soil. Then sprayed from a spray bottle and cover with a glass jar. At a temperature of 20 ° C, the seeds germinate easily. Overheating or supercooling is not recommended.


Mature aeoniums are transplanted every 2-3 years, young plants annually. If roots stick out from under the ground, then the time has come for a transplant. A clay pot is best suited.

The composition of the soil should be the same as the plant does not like stresses associated with a change of soil.

For this process, the best time is March-April. If carried out later, then only during the growing season. In winter, when absolutely necessary.

During the transplant, it is recommended to inspect the roots.if there are rotten ones, they should be removed, and the place of cut should be sprinkled with charcoal.

Before planting, rinse the pot, fill up the drainage layer, then prepare the soil and make a hole, then carefully transfer the plant.

How to take care of tree succulents?

The most common eonium is considered tree-like. Grows in the form of a small weakly branching shrub. Succulent blooms in small white, red or yellow colors. At the ends of the stems there are rosettes with dense leaves. In nature, the height reaches up to 3 meters, in room conditions grow no more than a meter.

With proper and proper cultivation, the flower grows quickly. Over the year, several new outlets are formed. The plant lives for many years.

The basic rules for caring for a tree eonium at home:

  1. Succulents loves the light, he needs the sun even in winter.Unlike other varieties of aeoniums, he does not like phyto-lighting, so it is best to put it on the south or southeast window sill. But by no means to the north side.
  2. In summer, the optimum temperature for it is 23-25 ​​degrees, in winter 10-12 degrees. If you can’t create cool conditions, the number of new outlets is sharply reduced and flowering stops. In the open air, it should be kept under a canopy, as it does not tolerate dampness and rain.
  3. It tolerates dry air well, so it does not need to be moved to another place with hot batteries.
  4. In summer they only water it if the soil is very dry once a week, in winter even less. It is watered neatly at the edges, without falling onto leaves and stems, otherwise water stagnation may occur, which means rotting of the roots. Spraying is not required. If dust appears, it is better to wipe it with a damp cloth.
  5. In winter, tree aeonium do not fertilize. During the growing season, they feed 1 time in 2-3 weeks with fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. In no case should you use nitrogen fertilizers.
  6. Young plants are transplanted annually, adults no more than 1 time in 3 years. The pot should be clay and 3 cm wider than the previous one. For transplanting, you can use the soil for cacti or mix sand, turf, leafy soil and peat in equal proportions. Chopped charcoal is added to the soil for better growth. And also the first layer should be drainage so that the roots do not rot.
  7. Eonium tree-like propagated by sowing seeds and cuttings. The seeds are simply sprinkled, sprayed from the sprayer and covered with a film or glass. They grow quickly at a temperature of 20 degrees. For cuttings cut the upper part of the stem. The slice is wiped with activated carbon and dried. Planted in moist soil. Roots form in 11-14 days.

Caring for a tree aeonium will not be difficult if all the rules are observed.

Diseases and Pests

Eonium is rarely sick and is attacked by pests. The most common problem when growing Eonium defeat mealy lentils. They inject substances and suck the juice from the succulent, which inhibits the growth of the flower and leads to death. The presence of pests gives a white wax coating. And rarely, rootworm and spider mite damage occur.

If the flower stands in an open area, then weevils and aphids can attack it.

To prevent infection, you need to inspect new acquisitions, remove dried leaves, and sometimes arrange a hot shower.

If they did appear, the leaves are wiped with soapy water or alcohol. And also sprayed with tobacco smoke. If the infection is severe, then use insecticidal drugs, for example, kalbofos.

Various fungal diseases may appear on plants.. Most often they occur with improper watering and care. Fungicidal preparations are used for treatment.

Content difficulties

Eonium is not considered a capricious plant, but problems may arise that need to be addressed for the further development and growth of the plant:

  • Root decay. This occurs with improper irrigation and strong soil moisture. Therefore, at the first signs, the plant is transplanted. The roots are thoroughly washed, cleaned of rot and sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Falling leaves, curving stems. In winter, indicates an excess of overflow. In the summer of insufficient lighting. The plant is rearranged in a brighter place. And if necessary, they turn for uniform growth.
  • The appearance of brown spots in the summer. Notifies of insufficient moisture. It is necessary to water the plant or arrange a warm shower.
  • Sluggish drooping leaves. Means that the plant is too much watered, it is necessary to shed it with Previkur fungicide or Phytosporin biological product.
  • Loose rosette with small leaves. It indicates that the plant urgently needs to be transplanted, since it does not have enough space.
  • The leaves of the outlet begin to turn yellow and rot in the middle. So, in the middle, moisture stagnates. Healthy parts of eonium can be used for cuttings.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about the eonium plant and its care methods:


Eonium is a decorative plant that can decorate any interior. Caring for him will not be difficult even for a novice grower. If you give the flower care and create the necessary conditions, then it will delight the owner with its beauty for a long period of time.

Watch the video: Aeonium plant - growing and care (October 2024).

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