Cyclamen does not bloom: why this does not happen and how to make it?

Cyclamen or alpine violet is an adornment of any collection and the pride of a florist. It is not known which country is the birthplace of cyclamen. Someone claims that the Mediterranean, others believe that this is Central Europe. There is a third point of view. According to her, cyclamen came from Greece or Iran.

This is an unusually beautiful, fragrant and delicate flower with dark green foliage and a hat of flowers towering above it. At present, a huge number of varieties of cyclamen have been developed: they vary in height, color, and flower shape.

What it is?

Alpine violet (cyclamen) is a perennial plant with bright flowers of various colors. They look like a flock of butterflies fluttering over foliage. Cyclamen leaves are green, have streaks of light green or silver.

This decorative flower does not reach large sizes.

By height, they are divided into three groups:

  1. undersized - up to 15 centimeters;
  2. medium high - up to 20 centimeters <;
  3. standard - up to 30 centimeters.

There are two types of cyclamens:

  • Persian (on how to properly care for Persian cyclamen at home, read here);
  • European.

The latter is very rare in home collections. Its flowers are small, with a pronounced pleasant smell.


  1. Persian cyclamen blooms from October to March.
  2. European - from May to September.

This is the main difference in the types of wonderful flower. Now breeders have bred varieties that bloom almost all year round.


Flowering is an active period in the life of cyclamen. Therefore, care for him at this time should be daily. You need to be attentive to ambient temperature, air humidity and lighting.

During this period, the plant actively absorbs nutrients from the soil, so flowering is an ideal time for feeding.

The necessary conditions

In order for the plant to please the owner for a long time with exotic flowers, you need to place it in a bright place, inaccessible to direct sunlight.

Important! Cold and extreme heat will adversely affect the flowering plant. Therefore, you need to maintain the optimum temperature: from 10 to 15 degrees.

Watering the flower should be carried out exclusively through the pan, since the root undergoes rotting when excessively wet.

In addition to maintaining a certain temperature and lighting, cyclamen must be sprayed with softened water. When spraying, you need to make sure that the water does not stagnate on the outlet of the leaves, otherwise the flower may become sick.

Why are there no flowers at home?

It happens that after the cyclamen fades, the owner waits in vain for the buds to reappear (about the features of cyclamen flowering and how to care for the plant, before and after it has blossomed, read in our material). This phenomenon may last more than one year.

If your flower does not bloom in due time, there may be several reasons for this:

  • The room where the flower is located is hot. At elevated temperatures, it cannot produce color. The optimum temperature for flowering is 10-15 degrees.
  • The root system is at great depths. Accordingly, part of the stem is immersed in the ground. It also causes the plant to hibernate.
  • Plant disease.

Proper feeding and care

It has already been said that for proper growth and development, cyclamen needs sunlight, a certain temperature and regular watering through the pan.

When watering, the flower itself determines how much water it needs. Therefore, it absorbs only part of the liquid. The remaining water must be drained so as not to expose the plant to the danger of decay.

The flower is difficult to adapt to room conditions, so you need to use top dressing. It is especially important to do this during flowering, because during this period, cyclamen actively absorbs nutrients from the soil.

Fertilizers and fertilizers can be used various. The main thing is that they contain potassium and magnesium. Now they are available in every specialized store.

It is better to use top dressing when watering the plant. But excessive consumption is also undesirable. The flower will begin to gain green mass and refuse to bloom.

IMPORTANT. During dormancy, that is, when the plant drops flowers, watering should be done less frequently. You need to navigate to the ground near the root. Water should be a few degrees cooler than the surrounding temperature.

Also, during the rest period of cyclamen, it is necessary to place the pot with the plant in a place protected from sunlight.

In detail about the rules for cyclamen care at home, we talked about in this article.

Pruning and transplanting

Trimming is not necessary. Dried flowers and leaves do not cut. They are carefully twisted. This is done so that the plant does not rot.

If for any reason There was a need for a cyclamen transplant, the following actions must be performed:

  1. Prepare the pot. It must be processed in order to disinfect. REMEMBER. No need to choose an excessively large pot. This will lead to the fact that cyclamen may begin to rot or cease to bloom.
  2. At the bottom of the pot must be placed drainage, then soil. Expanded clay is usually recommended as drainage. Before use, it must be disinfected and dried. Primer for cyclamen can be purchased at the store, can be made independently. For cooking, sand, peat, humus and sheet land are required in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3.
  3. Tuber is laid out on the ground. The remaining space is filled with a substrate, leaving a third of the tuber on the surface.
Reference! The plant is extremely susceptible to pests and diseases. Therefore, the soil for it must be sterilized. Water for irrigation should also be sterilized.

What to do and how to make it?

  1. First of all, you need to understand what is the reason for the lack of colors. Perhaps the plant is too hot. Try changing its location, perhaps the reason is this.
  2. Inspect the leaves and soil around the plant. If there are no changes: mold, etc., then the plant is healthy. Remember that the result will not be momentary. You need to be patient and continue to observe.
  3. If all the above actions did not lead to the desired, then the whole thing is in the wrong planting of the plant: the pot is not the right size, the root depth is incorrect. In this case, there is nothing left but to transplant cyclamen.

At first glance, it may seem that caring for cyclamen at home is very difficult. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of owning a beautiful extraordinary plant. If you follow some simple rules for care, the flower will thank you and will delight you for a long time.

Watch the video: Cyclamen Plant Care - Indoor Growing Conditions (October 2024).

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