How to cleanse the body of alcohol quickly and effectively

Alcoholic beverages are present in the lives of many people. Some people use them all the time, others only on holidays. During the feast, it is difficult to keep track of the number of glasses taken. Often this ends with intoxication of the body. There are many ways to relieve a hangover syndrome and cleanse the body of alcohol. Sometimes it’s enough to use alternative methods, and sometimes the help of doctors is required.

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

There are three stages of poisoning:

  1. Easy stage - occurs at 0.5-1.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood.
  2. The average severity is up to three ppm.
  3. Severe stage - over 3.

The mild and moderate stages are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increasing headache, memory lapses. A person cannot remember where he drank, with whom.
  • Dizziness. It occurs when ethanol affects the vestibular apparatus. At the same time as dizziness, a lack of coordination of movements is observed.
  • Nausea is a reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the penetration of alcohol into its structure.
  • Vomiting The body begins to fight toxins.
  • Dry mouth, resulting in intense thirst. To eliminate toxins, the kidneys begin to work in an enhanced mode. To develop the necessary amount of urine and remove toxic substances with it, a lot of fluid is required. Dehydration exacerbates other symptoms.

The consequences of alcohol poisoning are unpleasant, but they can be effectively managed on their own at home.

REMEMBER! The recovery time of the body depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Life threatening is the third stage of intoxication, which has symptoms:

  • Man does not control his actions. Cannot sit, control the body.
  • He does not understand what they say to him, speech is incoherent.
  • The body is covered with perspiration, the pupils are narrowed.

Further, a person may fall into a coma or die. It requires urgent medical attention.

Preparation and Precautions

If it is known that an event is planned with alcohol, it will be advisable to hedge and avoid negative consequences.

  • Take activated carbon.
  • Before drinking alcohol drink a glass of milk.
  • First you need to eat, at least a plate of porridge.
  • Vitamins C and B will support the heart.
  • Do not mix different types of alcoholic beverages.
  • Alternate drinking with water.

Effective folk methods of cleansing the body

Folk remedies for cleaning the body of alcohol are available, do not cause difficulties in use. Consider what you can do first.

  • Induce vomiting by drinking clean still water. This will speed up the elimination of toxins, start the work of the intestines and stomach in a normal mode.
  • Food should be light. Lactic acid products, fruits, cereals are suitable.
  • Blood is also purified with the help of decoctions of chamomile, nettle, rose hip, and St. John's wort.
  • Green tea with ginger quickly brings to life.
  • With the consequences of a hangover, a contrast shower helps to cope.
  • It is good to eat rice porridge without salt. It acts as an excellent sorbent, removes toxins.
  • Carrot juice and citrus juices also contribute to the rapid elimination of toxins.
  • Oat broth is a sure means of purification from ethanol. Cook an hour in the proportions of 1 cup of oats in 1.5 liters of water. The broth is filtered and taken all day in small volumes.
ATTENTION! If possible, it is best to consult a doctor. Specialist advice will help to avoid side effects.Video recommendations

Pharmacy preparations

  • From pharmaceutical preparations, sorbents can be distinguished - activated carbon, Atoxil, Polyphepan, Smecta, Polysorb and others.
  • Doctors recommend "Glycine" to combat alcohol intoxication. Two tablets are placed under the tongue. The reception interval is one hour. Repeat 4 or 5 times.
  • Succinic acid will free blood from acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that appears after drinking. Drink 1 or 2 tablets, 3 times / day.
  • You can take ascorbic acid, but its effect is slow. The cleansing effect lasts from several hours to several days.
  • Vitamins A and E will quickly remove harmful substances, improve overall well-being.
  • To restore liver function take "Essential Forte".
  • Also, the pharmacy has special remedies for relieving a hangover syndrome.
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How to cleanse the body of alcohol in a hospital

In a hospital, there are more opportunities to get rid of the consequences of taking alcohol. The hospital offers hemosorption, laser blood irradiation, plasmophoresis.

  • Hemosorption. During the procedure, blood moves through sorbents that trap alcohol poisons and toxins accumulated in it.
  • Laser effect on the blood. An optical catheter is inserted into a vein. Through it, they act on the blood cells with a laser, taking away harmful substances.
  • Plasmophoresis They take blood, divide it into red blood cells and plasma. Only red blood cells are returned.

These are effective and widely used methods of cleaning the body from alcohol in a hospital. They help to quickly return a person to a normal, working condition. The speed of recovery depends on the degree of intoxication, the characteristics of the organism of a particular individual.

Video tips

Useful Tips

What can be done quickly, especially if you need to go to work, and there is no strength, desire and opportunity:

  • Eat a salad that includes tomatoes.
  • If there is no salad, eat soup, preferably fish, drink brine.
  • Go out into the air.
  • Smoke less.
  • Replenish your fluid deficiency by drinking regular water.
  • Do not drink sweet carbonated drinks.

If you get drunk quickly, it’s best to prepare in advance to reduce the risks:

  • The cardinal method is not to drink at all.
  • Take a couple of tablets of the sorbent before drinking.
  • Do not drink when the stomach is completely empty.
  • Good to eat a sandwich with butter.
  • Know the limits.

Measures to combat intoxication help to get on your feet. Alcohol poisoning can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient. Always remember this and take alcohol seriously. Do not bring yourself to a severe stage of poisoning. If this happens, try to quickly take measures to cleanse the body. For several days, you will need to follow a diet using light foods. Drink green tea with chamomile and ginger. Walk a lot, do not abuse physical activity.

Watch the video: How alcohol affects your liver (October 2024).

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