How to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft

Culinary experts are interested in how to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft. Not surprising, because the dish is hearty, tasty and easy to prepare at home.

On the pages of the site I considered the technology of cooking salmon in the oven. If you like pink salmon more, here are 4 step-by-step recipes below.

Classic recipe

IngredientsServings: - + 10
  • frozen pink salmon 2 pcs
  • lemon 2 pcs
  • mayonnaise 200 ml
  • carrots 2 pcs
  • onion 2 pcs
  • olive oil 40 ml
  • pepper, sea salt, dill, parsley to taste
Calories and BJU per 100 gCalories: 128 kcalProteins: 17.8 gFats: 5.6 gCarbohydrates: 1.4 gSteps1 hour. 25 min Video//
  • The first thing we do is fish. Defrost, wash, take out the insides, remove the tail, head and fins. We cook pink salmon according to the classic recipe whole.
  • To make the fish tasty, juicy and soft, soak it in the marinade for 30 minutes. For marinade I combine the juice of one lemon with mayonnaise, sea salt, olive oil and a pinch of pepper. After mixing the finished mixture, coat the fish and leave for about half an hour. Marinade slightly reminiscent of the preparation of barbecue.
  • The procedure for processing vegetables is simple. Pour water, clean and cut into circles. We also act with a second lemon.
  • We proceed to the formation of the dish. We lay the pink salmon soaked in the marinade on the cooking foil, open the abdomen and fill it with vegetables, lemon slices and herbs. Sprinkle with the remaining marinade and wrap in foil.
  • Bake in the oven in a shallow form. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

Pink salmon in the oven with potatoes

Continuing the topic of the article, I will tell you how to cook pink salmon in the oven with potatoes. This wonderful dish is perfect for a family dinner or a corporate party.

Guests who were lucky enough to enjoy the taste of baked pink salmon with potatoes in the oven were delighted. Naturally, they sincerely praise culinary abilities, but there is nothing complicated and abstruse. The main thing is the right recipe.

  • Pink salmon - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 1.5 kg.
  • Cream - 1 cup.
  • Cheese - 150 g.
  • Butter - 25 g.
  • Lemon juice, pepper, salt and fish seasoning.
  1. Prepare the ingredients. In this recipe I use fillets. If a whole fish is available, you have to remove the bones yourself.
  2. Each fillet is cut into batch slices about five centimeters wide. Sprinkle each slice with salt, season with pepper, seasoning and sprinkle with lemon juice. After stirring, leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. The main thing is not to go too far with the thickness. Very thick potatoes do not bake well. Season chopped potatoes and salt.
  4. Lubricate the molds with butter and lay out chopped potatoes in an even layer. Put fish on top and pour cream. Send the foil-covered form to the oven.
  5. At a temperature of 180 degrees, the dish is cooked for about 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the potato layer. Making sure that the potatoes are pierced through the foil will help. If the toothpick comes in easily, sprinkle the dish with cheese and hold in the oven for several minutes.

As you can see, the dish is prepared quickly and easily. It remains to move the fish and potatoes to a beautiful plate and serve with a vegetable salad and a bottle of good wine. Learn how to store wine on the pages of our portal.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven in foil

Pink salmon is a delicious fish, but not every novice cook can cook it tender, juicy, soft and fragrant. Most often, beginners overdry it. That's why I will tell you how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven in foil.

Using the recipe, you will delight guests with a wonderful meal characterized by extraordinary juiciness and unsurpassed taste. Feel free to include the dish in the composition of the New Year's menu, although it is ideal for an everyday table.

  • Pink salmon - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 ml.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Greens - 1 bunch.
  • Salt and pepper.
  1. Wash, clean and cut red fish on filet. Cut into portions.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and lemons. Dry and cut into thin circles.
  3. The next step is to prepare the cheese. Cut into wide slices. I recommend using cheese of medium hardness.
  4. Grease the cooking foil with olive oil, and put a circle of lemon on top. On a lemon put a piece of fish sprinkled with salt and pepper, a ring of tomato and cheese. The result is a kind of sandwich. With the remaining pieces do the same.
  5. Carefully wrap the foil. Make sure that there is a little free space inside for juice, and there are no holes.
  6. Put the fish wrapped in foil on a baking sheet, add some water and put in the oven for 30 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees.
  7. It remains to get the finished pink salmon from the oven, gently pull it out of the foil, separate from the lemon and transfer to plates. Fresh greens are great for decorating.
Video cooking

I love to cook according to this recipe, and everyone who tastes the dish remains satisfied. First I serve delicious borsch on the table, then pink salmon with potatoes, and for dessert something sweet and milk.

Pink salmon in the oven with sour cream

It's time to talk about how to cook pink salmon in the oven with sour cream. The dish, characterized by a delicate and incomparable taste, will not leave indifferent any true connoisseur of red fish.

You can talk about this culinary masterpiece for hours, listing the virtues and considering the taste characteristics. But better to cook and enjoy. Believe me, even cooked lamb in the oven can not be compared with it.

  • Pink salmon fillet - 500 g.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 500 ml.
  • Vegetable oil, herbs to taste, salt and white pepper.
  1. Rinse the fillet and dry with a napkin. Put the fish on the board with the pulp down, slightly cut the skin on the side and remove it. Cut into slices two centimeters wide and put in a deep dish.
  2. Dice the peeled onions, and finely chop the washed and dried parsley. Arrange the crushed products in separate bowls.
  3. Fry the onions in a heated frying pan in oil. When it gets a golden color, send pieces of fish to the pan, which are fried on each side.
  4. Transfer the contents of the pan to a baking dish, add pepper, various spices, spices and a little fresh herbs. After pouring all the sour cream, put the form in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
  5. After turning off the oven, the fish should brew for about fifteen minutes. During this time, the slices are thoroughly saturated with sour cream sauce.

Fish prepared in this way goes well with vegetable salads, rice and potatoes. I recommend preparing this masterpiece just before eating, and drinking it with dry wine or orange juice during a meal.

Video recipe

Since the recipe provides for minimal heat treatment, the fish retains trace elements and important substances, complementing them with an unusual taste and elegant aroma.

The benefits of pink salmon for the body

Pink salmon has a unique chemical composition. If you look closely at the variety of proteins, vitamins and other beneficial substances that are found in fish, you can be very surprised. It looks like a normal product, but it is difficult to overestimate the health benefits.

Naturally, fish is rich in various common substances. In addition to them, pink salmon, which is what people call pink salmon, contains cobalt, chromium, iodine and phosphorus. Pink salmon is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids.

Contrary to nutrition and satiety, the number of calories in fish is small. At the same time, meat has a lot of protein, which contributes to rapid saturation. Since the fish is digested slowly, you will not want to eat for a long time.

Useful Tips

I will share a few tips that will help you successfully manipulate dishes prepared on the basis of pink salmon.

  1. If instead of tender and juicy pulp you want a golden crust, marinate the fish in dry white wine. Thanks to the wine, the fish will receive an exquisite taste and light acidity.
  2. To make the fish very juicy, subject it to minimal heat treatment. Fry pink salmon on all sides for several minutes and bake for 10-15 minutes at 160-180 degrees in foil or sleeve. Before serving, put a slice of lemon in a plate.
  3. High-quality olive oil is ideal for making pink salmon. Get the perfect taste allows high-quality cold-pressed oil. Sour cream has a great alternative - fresh cream.
  4. Anise, sage, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme and others are ideally combined with pink salmon. Through trial and experiment, it will turn out to find the optimal combination of herbs to get a dish with a unique taste.

So the article came to the end how to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft. During the story, I shared the step-by-step ways of cooking pink salmon in a frying cabinet. She also gave a list of herbs and spices with which pink salmon blends perfectly. It remains to purchase fresh fish and recreate one of the masterpieces at home. See you!

Watch the video: Easy 5 Ingredient Baked Salmon (October 2024).

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