10 best beaches in Sri Lanka

If your vacation falls for the winter, but you do not leave the idea to soak up the sea at a distant resort, plunge into the sea, then you have a direct road to tropical adventures! Here you will learn about the best beaches in Sri Lanka, where you can grab a little summer heat and sunbathe on the golden sand. The gentle ocean, fast surf or kite, magical reefs, unusual cuisine and tropical fruits, the atmosphere of a mysterious exotic country - all this is in Sri Lanka, the state of South Asia! ...
  • Unpretentious beauty Orchid Beauty - features of care and reproduction

    All that can be ordered on the websites for flower growers or in special flower shops is the achievements of modern specialists. One of such "miracle inventions" is the beautiful phalaenopsis Beauty. Not whimsical and not capricious, easy to care for, this beauty - an orchid generously bestows with its delicate color, creating an atmosphere of joy and prosperity of your home! ...
  • Children's houses: interesting models and options for building game structures

    Each parent wants to organize the leisure of his child as interesting and useful as possible for development. And it seems that the best entertainment for the child today is children's houses and other play structures. It will be very interesting for any kid to spend time in his personal space, and parents will have a great opportunity to unload their day at least a little. ...
  • Contemporary classic or contemporary style

    Among the variety of interior decoration styles, it is difficult to choose the most universal. Therefore, most rooms are finished with several signs: convenient, modern, beautiful. With all these signs, you can define a contemporary style or a modern classic. The main features of the style of contemporary music Contemporary music, as an independent style, was finally formed at the end of the 20th century. ...
  • How to choose paint for metal?

    Today, there are a large number of various kinds of paints. Of course this is good, but how can one make a mistake in such a wide assortment? Let's figure it out. But before answering the question “How to choose paint for metal”, it is worth noting that there are only three of the most popular types: oil; alkyd; acrylic. ...
  • What is the beneficiary and who is the beneficial owner (beneficiary): a detailed description and definition of the term, rights and obligations + sample documents for download

    Hello dear readers of the financial magazine Rich Pro! In this article we want to tell who the ultimate beneficiary (beneficiary) is, who are the beneficial owners, how do the beneficiaries differ from the beneficiaries, and so on. Indeed, the development of economic relations implies the emergence of new entities in this sphere of economic activity of a society, to designate which special terms are used. ...
  • Sintra Palace - the residence of the Portuguese monarchs

    Sintra National Palace or City Palace is located in the central part of the city. Today, the residence of the kings belongs to the state and is one of the most visited attractions in Portugal. The palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Historical excursion and architecture The snow-white building in Sintra is easily recognizable by two towers 33 meters high - these cones are kitchen chimneys and hoods. ...
  • The main ways to combat aphids. How to get rid of a pest forever?

    One of the most malicious garden pests is considered to be aphids. It spreads quite quickly, and getting rid of it is difficult. In addition, aphids provoke the appearance of ants, which are also not easy to breed. The aphid can be green, black, cotton and gelichrysum, but any species deprives the plant of sap and it dies. ...
  • Begonia: how and what to water the plant at home?

    Begonia is a beautiful plant, which since the 17th century has been a regular on the windowsills of Russian houses. It was at this time that the flower was introduced into our country and since then the fashion for it has not passed. And how could it be otherwise, because there are a huge number of all kinds of varieties, colorings of the plant that will not leave anyone indifferent. ...
  • Emerald Beads, or Rowley's Godson. Home care, reproduction and transplantation

    This variety must not be confused with any of the types of godson. Emerald berries of leaves - a distinctive feature of a decorative flower. Green pearls, as they call it at home, perfectly grows on lawns with a voluminous veil of pale green color. The reader is presented with photographs of a beautiful plant, and also describes the features of caring for it at different times of the year. ...
  • How easy is it to get a small loan or loan for your business?

    Hello, I plan to create a small business with a friend. We have money to create and develop, but there is no certainty that they will be enough in full and borrowed funds may be needed. Tell me, is it difficult to get a loan for your business and under what circumstances is it easier to get? ...
  • How to make money on the Internet - 37 working ways to make money online without investing and cheating + the best sites for online earnings from 100-500 rubles per day

    Welcome readers of Rich Pro! In this article, we will talk about making money on the Internet: how can you make money on the Internet without investments and invitations from 500-1000 rubles per day and which sites for making money online with the withdrawal of money work without fraud. The information will be useful for everyone: who is looking for real ways to make money on the Internet; Who are attracted to the idea of ​​making money on the Internet without investment and deception; who needs money right now, but no time to study in order to learn a new profession. ...
  • Radish in the diet of various animals. Is it possible to give root crops to guinea pigs and other pets?

    For easy and healthy feeding of animals of all kinds, there is a large assortment of prepared feeds. But many owners prefer to feed their pets more natural food. Radish can be attributed to such food, but not for all animals it is equally useful. Read on whether radishes are allowed for such animal hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, parrots, domestic rats and snails, and also what will happen if your pet ate a forbidden root crop. ...
  • How much and how to cook chicken

    Cooking chicken only at first glance seems simple. To make the dish tasty, satisfying and healthy, you need to know a few culinary tricks about cutting, processing and methods of cooking chicken. It is also important to carefully monitor the process of thermal exposure to the product, because it takes different time to cook a certain part of the carcass. ...
  • Beautiful design tiles in the bathroom

    It's no secret that tile is the perfect finish for your bathroom. It is moisture resistant, easy to care, durable and fashionable material, using which you can create an original atmosphere in the room. What is the tile? All tiles are divided into two types: floor and wall. When choosing a tile for the floor, you should give preference to a matte tile with a rough surface, it is such a floor that will not slip. ...
  • Bathroom decoration today - a combination of antiquity and modernity

    Despite the apparent simplicity of the bathroom, it is quite versatile and demanding of itself. Hygiene alone is clearly not enough for her. A person in any room should be comfortable, including in the bathroom. It was enough for our grandfathers to have a pelvis standing in the corner of the hut and fenced with a calico curtain. ...
  • Overview of double-wing clothing cabinets, selection rules

    A timeless classic is a double-wing wardrobe, which is popular among buyers. Today, the choice is complicated by a wide range of models on the furniture market. Advantages and disadvantages The reason for the popularity of double-wing cabinets is their advantages: organization, saving space in space. ...